The portal that leads me to you

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Requested by @Broswer95 

Shy NB reader x GP Gwen

The reader will be based on Violet Parr from The Incredibles

"Ok, that works," I mumble, having just successfully transferred two sugar cubes from my hand into my coffee cup on the other side of the kitchen counter thanks to my powers.

 My family is a family of superheroes, each of us has our own unique set of abilities that allows us to fight evil and make sure the earth stays safe. As of right now, I was practising my gifts in the safety of my own home as the rest of my family, my younger brother was out at hockey training, my father was at a business meeting, my mother was at the mall with my baby sister to buy some new clothes for both. 

I walk up to my coffee mugs stirring in the sugar with my teaspoon that was already placed in the cup as I take a small sip of it, humming in satisfaction at the taste, it was perfect. My power was summoning portals at will, or if I thought hard about a location, I could traverse myself and others there, along with the power of invisibility and force fields. 

"Alright, let's try teleporting," I murmur, summoning a portal my height next to me with a wave of my hand, I mindlessly think of my backyard, and low and behold, I see the teeter-totter set, so I step through, trying to get used to the nausea of it as I needed to learn how to deal with people or myself using my portals. "Oh god..." I groan as I step my left leg in, feeling jitters all over my body, so I place my mug down, before willing myself to go in. 

I successfully manage to slip through the portal, but not without having to hold my head and shake it a couple of times to get rid of the measly feeling of wanting to throw up. I decided to practice this for a bit, using various parts of the house to teleport too as my family didn't want the public to know our civilian identities. 

I was currently slipping through the walls of the basement to my bedroom, planning on crashing for the day, but willing to help mom with the bags of shopping she'll bring back, so I wasn't going to sleep just yet. "Ah that's better," I sigh with a small smile, laying on my bed now thanks to having placed the portal directly over my bed. 

I take this time to get stuck in my thoughts, thinking of outcomes with future villains I may encounter, what I could tell Mom and Dad when they get back and how they might tell me what to do to get better with my gift. These thoughts of protecting the city were swirling through my head, I wanted to live up to the fame my parents and their friends had garnered for themselves, I wanted to be someone the public could trust. 

But thanks to YouTube there are various video clips of me in my superhero costume stuttering or stammering in interviews, unable to hold a conversation with a person too long due to my shy exterior, or just outright being a klutz. One of the biggest ones was where I threw a force field at the bad guy and ended up knocking him out cold, but I didn't know he was the bad guy at that time as I had just arrived at the scene, so I was apologising over and over again, trying to fix their face but when my father informed me he was the guy they spent 30 minutes trying to stop, I immediately dropped him. 

"I wonder where else I could go," I think aloud, holding my hand up in front of my face, letting my powers run through my fingertips as I think about different locations, my portals only work in places I have been myself, and thankfully my mother who had superhuman speed took me across the entire world in under 24 hours, so I'm able to go to any place on earth now. 

"Imagine if I found my soulmate," I snicker to myself playfully opening up a portal, however, there was a malfunction, my hand glitched out for a split second, making me sit up, looking panicked as I stand up, away to try and defuse the situation when I fall through a portal I didn't mean to place on the floor below my feet, making me yelp. 

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