I Hate to Love You

711 16 21

Requested by Anonymous

Female Reader

The request: "Enemies to lovers but with smut."

Warnings: Smut

Contents of smut: Hate fucking, phone sex (Slightly) 

"Really Spider? You had to tie me up?" The infamous Black Cat questions with a small smirk as she tries to wiggle free of the webs that I had thwiped around her tight-suited frame that hugs all her curves into the wall of a warehouse. 

"I need you to give me some information Cat," I say with a stern tone, not wanting to play any games right now, even if she was a commoner in my sexual fantasies. "Where is Fisk?" I ask her as I fold my arms over my chest.

"Ooh, I love it when you're serious," she muses, I begin to pace back and forth leisurely, eyeing the cat with annoyance through my mask. "Alright fine," she rolls her eyes as I don't offer a quip of my own, her head lulls back slightly, exposing her neck and I did my best not to focus too much on how smooth her skin looked. "In truth, I don't know where he is, he only contacts me via burner phone," she informs me.

"And what exactly does he make you do?" I interrogated, I wanted to put an end to Kingping and his havoc in New York, crime was elevating, more places were being robbed, and the worst of crime syndicates were being hit, leading to the police officers being unable to help the civilian that needs it most as they have their noses stuck in gang wars. 

"Oh, you know...bribe, steal, remain unseen... " She lists off casually as her smirk returns, "...Seduce those who have certain intel," she winks at me as her voice drops to a low sultry tone. 

"Enough with the games cat," I hiss at her as I get close to her face to intimidate her, but all she does is chuckle, finding amusement in my stress and frustrated demeanour.

"Someone needs a bubble bath, maybe even a nice back rub," she muses, "I can help with that," she whispers as she tilts her head to lean in more, so her breath is fanning against my mask. 

"When does he contact you?" I inquire with a seethe rumbling from the depths of my throat. 

"I'm not sure, Fisky doesn't have a schedule for me," she shrugs in an attempt to see if the web gunk had loosened, "I'm flexible that way," she trails her eyes up and down my figure, biting her lower lip. 

"Your tactics don't work on me," I say firmly, pulling myself back from her apple and cinnamon-scented body, turning around to walk a few steps away as I inhale deeply to get my mind focused before looking back at her. "You will wear a wire, anything you say, do, or think, I will know about it, I need to get a fix on him," I tell her as pull out a small chip. 

"And what about in my free time, will you listen then too?" She asks with a curious smile and a teasing tone, "Because I do like to... relax in a rather explicit way," she trails off as I feel myself get warm under my spider suit. 

"Yes, even then," I say with seriousness, trying to remain professional. 

"So, you like to listen? That's rather cute of you Spider," she looked down at my body once again, I could already tell what she was thinking, and it made me feel tingly, but I needed to focus, being lured into her seductive traps wasn't my intention. 

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer," I quip with jest as I wrap my hand around the black feline's throat, making her gasp as her eyes widen in surprise, but then huff in disappointment as I place the chip onto her skin, it was a nano-chip, so it would blend in with her skin and act as a secret transmitter on her and Fisk's conversation, thank god for my internship at Oscorp tech, or I wouldn't know how I would get a wiretap on this girl without her thinking I was trying to make moves. 

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