Valentines Special

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SH/N/N: Super Hero NickName

Haniel is based on an actual Sex angel, everything about her here is from facts from the internet. 

Top Gwen
Futanari Y/n (I wanted to give something for the male readers too :3) 

What is a Futa?: A woman with masculine traits, such as having and penis and vulva

You and Gwen were partners, fighting side by side to stop the evil in Brooklyn. 

Well, today's Villain was just straight-up weird, her name was Haniel, and she was making all of Brooklyn fall in love with each other, after some brief research thanks to mine and Gwen's cahoots with the Spider League, this was one of the multiversal villains, she has already invaded Miles, Miguel's, Peter Parkers, and Spider Noir's world. 

She was the 'Love Doctor' as she called herself. At first, she seemed harmless and barely considered a threat at one glance, but she was extremely dangerous, she could make any two people lust after each other with a snap of her fingers, and the Spider League considered her to be an Archangel. More likely the one similar to Aphrodite and Venus, since Valentine was today, which was the only day records would have of her appearing. 

Yours and Gwen's job was to try and capture Haniel, hopefully with not a lot of resistance as she wasn't a violent enemy, simply good at evading traps. 

"We aren't going to catch her at this rate, her jetpack seems to never run out of fuel," I speak to Gwen on the comms, running along one of the apartment walls as I try to keep Haniel in my sights. 

"Let's try a flank, I'll swing around her, and you tell me where she's heading," Gwen strategises with me.

"Copy that," I say, using my grappling hook to get a little higher in the air as I activate my rocket boots to keep myself at the momentum. "Love Doctor, please, we just want to talk, we won't hurt you if you cooperate!" I try to talk some sense into the older woman. 

"Oh, come on dear! Just let me love!" She giggles as she flies higher above me. 

"She's heading to the bell tower," I speak on comms, continuing my pursuit of the rival, running up the bricked wall as I try to keep up, and by the time I've climbed up all the way, I see Gwen standing victoriously over the webbed-up Love Doctor.

"Oh, come on SH/N/N, you're as slow as a snail!" She chuckles, helping me up to stand on the small balcony the bell tower has for staff to come and work on the clock if needed, I roll my eyes playfully, my face mask covering the small smile on my face, but my eyes shape up into crescent moons as I laugh slightly. 

"Ok, alright, guess I owe you dinner, huh ghosty?" I ask the vigilante teasingly as I walk up to Hailen, who is watching us both with a smirk, "Haniel, you're probably not the first person to smile when tied up, but may I ask why?" I inquire curiously, as I help the woman come to a stand.

"I just love watching people in love interact," she explains, I could feel my face heat up, and thanks to the half mask I wore, it was visible to my enemy. 

"We are not in love, much less together, she is just a work colleague," I correct her politely, fiddling with my time traversal bracelet, planning to take her to Miguel directly. 

"Yeah, what SH/N/N said," Gwen agrees, I was unable to know my companion's expression due to her superhero outfit, but the thought of just being mere friends with Gwen always put a bitter taste on my tongue. 

"Quite the contrary, I see different," The doctor says smugly, and with a snap of her fingers my entire body is frozen in place, my breath stops as it catches in my throat, I gasp, trying to signal Gwen something was wrong, but still, my body remained in place. 

"Y/nnie? Are you alright?" Gwen asks worriedly, placing a hand on my shoulder, I could hear a quick cry on the intercom. 

"No Gwen, don't touch her-" Miguel's authoritative voice rings in my ears, but it is too late, the minute the ghost-spider's gloved hand is placed upon my shoulder, I can see her entire body go into a stunned shock, the both of us stuck in time as Haniel laughs. 

Gwen Stacy OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora