The Year 2077

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Requested by @CMcompany02
Cyberpunk 2077 inspired!
NB Reader

The year was 2077, and my city was voted the worst place to live in America, the main issues were a sky-high rate of violence and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else, but this was my home, my city, despite its flaws I found the beauty in it. I was also the one and only Spider-person of Night City, the streets were basking in crime for me to stop, making my job full-time, I even joined a contracted network called DJS, short for Digital Justice Syndicate, my boss was Gigi, she scouted me when I first began my vigilante chapter and has been a close friend and mentor since. 

"Gigi, location, now," I demand over the earpiece, currently wrestling with a buff bodyguard, he had steel hands, so my mantis blade was the only thing keeping him from crushing me as he fended off my blade, allowing me to continuously punch him, the fibre of his robotic skin hastily tearing away piece by piece. 

"Don't rush me Silkie," her voice scolded me, I could see the diaphragm from my visual board of her quickly trying to find me the location of 'The Relic' it was the hottest item on the market right now, a biochip that a lot of criminals were wanting for an advantage in their bases. And fortunately for me, it was at Arasaka Corporation, the most well-protected company in all of Night City. 

"Get off you brute!" I seethe through my bloody teeth as I pound one last right hook into the grunt's jaw, using my energy to send him flying out of the window of the 67th floor of the 200-floored building. "Sorry Gi," I pant out, knowing she hated death. 

"Nah, it's alright love," her British accent chirps, "Guy was a wanker anyways," she assures me, "Also, location should be up in a bit, in the meantime catch your breath, I'll send you some backup," her words make me huff, but I focus on reloading my guns and making sure my web shooters were stills working. My mask consisted of a black base, and white lines in the pattern of webs drawn on it, it was attached to an 8 eyed visor, which allowed me to see more things than most folks, such as night vision, heat rays, blue light, and even track the footsteps or scent of people I needed to find. 

"Gi, I don't need backup," I grumble, walking to the elevator, I enter it and press the top floor, where the information of the biochip had just loaded in, showing it was in the boss's office. 

"You say that, but you just spent 5 minutes fighting one guy," she taunts. I click my tongue, leaning back up against the wall of the elevator, my arms folded. 

"It felt like 4," I whisper under my breath, resulting in me getting an electric shock throughout my body, "Hey!" I get on to my boss on the other line who cackles happily for her little trick. 

"Aw, you're so fun to-" I hear static on the other line, so I quickly tap my earpiece, worry enveloping my body, my spider senses were going haywire, something was coming, but I couldn't see what. 

"Gi?" No response, "Gigi, talk to me," I say urgently, I was starting to panic, Gigi always had a backup station in case one of her lines cut off, but the silence was deafening, she wasn't coming back online, not for now anyways. I press the emergency stop button, now on floor 117, trying to reconnect back to base, when a strange sound catches my attention, it was the soft squeaking of a screw. I focused my hearing, identifying the heavy, laboured breaths of a person. 

I walk over to the vent, crouching down in front of it, I hear the turning noise stop, and the breathing come to a standstill, so I carefully reach my knuckle over to the grate, knocking gently along the metal, "Uh, excuse me?" I whisper to the vent, "I have a screwdriver if that'll help," I offer awkwardly to the air vent. 

"Can you just rip it off?" The air conditioner speaks back, I lower myself down until I'm lying on my stomach, my eyes locking with a beautiful pair of blue ones, I activate my visors, able to see in the dark roomy vents a girl, a young one in her early 20's about my age, she had a busted lip, black eye and tears stains marking her face, a frown makes its way onto my face as I take in her appearance.

"Of course, please give me a moment," I say politely to the young lady, my mantis blade slowly appears, not wanting to frighten the woman, and I soon begin cutting along the edges in quick, thin strikes. "Ok, that should be safe to push off now," I whisper to the victim, standing up and moving out of the way for her. 

She pushes the grate forward and it falls to the floor with a soft thud, I move it to the side, resting it against the wall as she starts to shimmy out, her figure becoming more apparent with every thrust she uses to pry herself out of the nifty space. Her legs finally come through, so I offer my hand to help pull her up, she accepts it gratefully, and I'm finally able to get a proper look at her face and clothing. She wore a mauve purple skintight dress, the skirt of it stopped just below her knees, and instead of heels she wore black flats

"You are hurt," I point out, my hand cupping her chin as I inspect her, "Let me help you Miss," I offer, grabbing a roll of bandages from my jacket, as well as some anti-septic wipes, "May I know your name?" I inquire politely, beginning to dab the wipe on her lip. She hisses in pain slightly as I offer a mumbled apology. 

"Gwen...I'm Gwen Stacy," she says quietly, her eyes scanning my face, I knew I didn't look the most polished and refined right now, especially with all the dried-up blood clinging around my mouth, "And you are?" she asks curiously, her voice dripped with innocence and intrigue, "I like your mask," she murmurs, "Spiders have always fascinated me," she continues, her hand carefully caressing my cheek, her thumb running along the exterior of my visor. 

I feel my face warm from her delicate touch, she was so gentle, it made me forget to give her my own name, and her hands were soft and smelt of lavender, "I think it'd be best if you didn't get my name," I add with a small chuckle, finishing up on her lip. I use my thumbs to rub the tear stains off her cheeks, "Do you mind telling me why a pretty thing like you is in an underdog place like this?" I interrogated calmly, knowing this girl wasn't fit to be in this area. 

"I was Yorinobu's girlfriend, but he found something better to occupy his time with," she grumbles, "I stole this from him," she pulls out a chip, the same chip I had come looking for. 

"Do you have any idea how much this is worth?" I ask her in disbelief, my eyes wide, my hand held out, not forcing her, but asking if I could see it. She allowed me to hold it and at that time my comms came back up, but something felt off, I had Gigi whispering to me instead of talking like usual, she was speaking in German to me, a language I thankfully understood thanks to her mentoring. I gesture to Gwen to put the chip somewhere safe, and I have to turn my gaze away when I see her go to put it in her brazier. 

"Yorinobu weiß von dem kleinen Trick seiner Freundin." (Yorinobu knows about his girlfriend's little trick.) She speaks slowly to me, I look at Gwen in worry, already planning a strategy out, I begin webbing up some arm braces around Gwen's hands up to her shoulder. I started to make something for her head, it was going to be a bumpy ride. "Sie ist unschuldig, aber wir brauchen diesen Chip, Silkie." (She's innocent, but we need that chip, Silkie.)

I'm given all the information I need, finishing the helmet for Gwen as I look at her, a chivalrous smile on my lips, "Can I be crazy and say I want to take you out?" I offer her my hand, already gently pulling her with me to the wide windows, I shoot the glass once, and the sound of the shards hitting the floor fills the office, accompanied by the rush of heavy military footsteps.

"Move, move, move," One of the lackeys shouts orders, I begin walking quicker, webbing Gwen closer until she is close enough to hold, I lead the pair of us out the open window, smiling at her still. 

"Can I be crazier and say I'd like you to take me out?" Gwen asks with a nervous smile, holding tightly into me as I make sure to harness her in close, I pick her up bridal style, chuckling softly at her words. 

"Close your eyes," I whisper, taking a few steps back until my heels feel nothing but air, "If you feel light then that's good, you have a good figure," I compliment her, making her feel at ease as I fall back, pulling her with me as I offer a cheeky wave 'bye, bye' to the army that just swarmed the room, the wind whipping through my hair as Gwen's grip becomes deathly around the back of my neck, her eyes squeezed shut as we fall down the skyscraper. 

"Hydro wings," I call out, my body morphing a pair of highly advanced wings, allowing me to flip us round so we can soar into the night, Gwen was now shaking in fear, "Scared of heights?" I muse, my right hand carefully raising to pet her hair, "You're safe with me, promise," I reassure her, spotting a roof I could land us both on. 

My attention is quickly diverted when I hear the sound of gunfire, one bullet grazing my arm, I hiss in pain and look down to see Gwen's fear-stricken gaze, making my heart clutch itself tightly, "This is going to get bumpy," I tell her in a murmur, equipping my body armour that slid on easily, whether or not I was carrying someone, it was designed to fit me and my body under any circumstances. 

"Just tell me when it's over," she says anxiously, her face hiding in my chest as I dodge and weave any oncoming shots. 

After the danger is over

I'm breathing heavily as I stand in an alley, not because of pain, but rather more because of Gwen, who has an iron grip around my waist, which restricts my breathing. "Uh, hey, you can let go now, it's safe," I whisper to her, tapping the top of her head with my index finger. I deactivate my body suit too, not minding the sting of the bullet wound that grazed me previously. 

"Oh, right," she muttered shyly, releasing herself from me as she stood on her own two feet now. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, looking up at me with a bashful gaze. "Thank you, for everything," she says. 

"It's no problem," I smile, "May I ask to take that Biochip off your hands though Miss?" I inquire politely, "I don't think you're ready to handle the thugs that'll come with it," I chuckle softly. She laughs quietly, her eyes glimmering with a hint of mischief, she takes the chip out of her bra, holding it out for me, I reach my hand over to take it, but she keeps a firm grip on it, making me look at her with confusion. 

"Can I get your name first?" She asks, a look of hope swimming in her irises. I feel my face flush a little, my heart rate has quickened slightly too. 

"I'm Y/n, nice to formally meet you," I introduce myself to her, offering a smile at the end. My name seems to have caused a part to light up in her face, she allows me to take the chip, and I secure it by placing it into the inner pocket of my jacket. 

"Y/n..." She murmurs as if trying to ingrain that small piece of information on her head. "I hope to see you again then, Y/n," the way she said my name in a sentence had shot Cupid's arrow right through my heart, but I forced myself to keep a calm composure, I didn't want to seem like a reckless rookie that falls for the first girl they save. 

"If we do I hope it's under better circumstances," I grin at her, which earns me a cute smile back. 

"Well, Y/n," she steps forward, her hand on my shoulder as she leans down to whisper in my ear, "Thank you for saving me tonight," I feel the softness of her lips against my cheeks, they warm from the act of affection which makes her giggle as she notices. "I'll see you around then, I don't live too far from here," she backs up, waving me goodbye as she heads to the door leading to the stairwell. 

"See you around Gwen," are the only words I can muster right now as I offer a small wave back. She keeps her eyes on me a moment longer, before turning on her heels and walking through the door. I watch her go, feeling a tug at my heartstrings as I release a breath, I didn't know I was holding in. 

"Someone's in love~" I hear in my ear, snapping me back into reality, I quickly press the button that'll allow her to hear my voice as my face burns bright red.

"Oh shoosh," I scold, hearing her giddy laughter on the other line, I roll my eyes, but the smile stays on my face as I replay Gwen in my mind over and over again, hoping I'll see her pretty soon. 

Word Count: 2374

I hope you liked this, please tell me of any grammar or spelling mistakes. 

Also, I know nothing about Cyberpunk 2077, the information put into this from the game was given to me from Wikipedia. 

Love you all <3


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