Vampire Reader

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Requested by @lickylacoochi (I'm sorry for the wait bestie) 

Female Reader

"Just let me have a taste pet." The stranger murmurs, burying her face into my neck as she takes a long deep inhale before groaning softly, her grip on my hands that are held up against the wall loosen as they whisper, "Your smell is driving me insane, how can a mere human smell so good?" They say in an almost painful way. 

"And why should I let you do that? You haven't even told me your name." I quip it is probably not the greatest time to joke, seeing as I may die in this gorgeous stranger's hands, but when are my jokes ever used at an appropriate time?

"Hmm, if that's the only thing you wish for then my name is Y/n L/n doll," she says in a husked voice, the vibrations of her voice send a shiver down my ear to my spine, making the hairs on my body stand up as I try to discreetly search for a way out of this situation. 

"Hmm, you seem to have liked that nickname, I can hear your heartbeat quicken." She muses, a low chuckle emanating from her plump lips, I blush under my mask, 'How in the hell did I even get in this situation?

20 minutes before

I'm perched on top of a building looking down at an alleyway full of thugs, except they aren't my priority tonight. Whitney Chang, a local news reporter has phoned me with concern about a new Manhattan killer, except they seem to be going after other thugs, not innocent civilians, there are a few times when they haven't completely killed some, leaving it to the authorities to handle but their victims all seem to have two fang-like marks on their neck, with a serious lack of blood in their system.

I, of course, was brought onto the scene to see if I could apprehend the suspect, as well as dig into their unique way of killing, I've been on the hunt for 3 months now, and so far I'm absolutely clueless, I've only ever managed to get there in the nick of time to save the lives of people but once I'm there, there seems to be no suspect in sight, and frankly, my patience is wearing thin. 

Scuffle Scuffle

"H-hey get off- ACK!" A voice to my left urgently cries out, I spring into action, hiding in the shadows to assess the situation. A tall figure that covers their face with the hood of their cloak barely struggles against the jerks of the frantic man, they use one hand to hold their head to the side exposing their neck, and I smirk. 

'Got you, you son of a bitch.'

I jump down from where I am, making my presence known as their head snaps towards me, "You know it's rude to interrupt a meal" Their gruff voice sends a chill down my spine, but I keep my composure, wanting to end this guy. 

"Do you know it's rude to kill people?" I counter, taking a step towards them. 

"You care about hoodlums like these?" They ask, confusion laced in their silk, soothing voice. "I'm doing what the police are afraid to do, I'm protecting the city." They say with a trace of bitterness in their tone. 

"Look, I'm not a fan of dealing with these guys every day either, but I don't kill them, they have family," I tell them off, a hand on my hip. 

"Well, if they cared about their family, they wouldn't do something so reckless like crime would they?" They ask, mocking me almost, my nostrils flare under my mask but I force myself to keep my composure, If there is anything I've learned about fighting whilst being Spider-woman, it's that you should never fight on emotion, it won't win you the fight. 

I remain silent, I can't argue with that logic, as I ask the criminals the exact same thing, however, the guy in the stranger's arms speak up, a nervous twinge in his voice as he looks at me pleadingly. 

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