13: Visions

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Third person POV

Coruscant was one of the most known for being the home planet of the Jedi temple. A temple that trained some of the most skilled and famous jedis. Many recognized  force welders have passed through the large and tall walls of the building. 

Including the famous Obi-Wan Kenobi and arguably the more infamous Anakin Skywalker. 

Who both stood on the tarmac just outside of the Temple. The wind blew, sending a chill down  their spines. Sunlight cascaded over the entire planet, signaling the early morning of the day.

Obi-Wan brings his hand up to block out the harsh rays of light and looks at his former Padawan.

"Anakin" He says " I haven't seen you since the council meeting, I hope you've worked it out with Amelia."  His voice is laced with sarcasm and worry.
Anakin stiffens at the mention of Amelia's name, his mind flashing back to their steamy encounter in the training room. He hadn't seen her after that and it had been almost four days.

Without moving his gaze. "Me and Amelia are doing just fine." He replies rather dryly. Knowing that they had finally crossed the boundaries that couldn't be undone. Nor did the young Skywalker want to turn back. He finally got a taste of temptation  and wasn't ready to be satiated.

" I don't think I had ever seen her look at someone with such hatred like she did with Master Windu." Obi-Wan comments and continues to speak. "The lost of Master Luminara was a tragedy for us all."

At the mention of the deceased, Jedi caught Anakin's attention. He whipped his head towards the ginger man and asked.

"How did she die, Obi-Wan?" Of course Amelia had shared early on about her former Master, but never in detail. She was unable to relive through the agonizing memory. She was a mere a young girl when she had grown attached to the kind woman and watched her perish.

"I am not sure it is a story I'm supposed to tell Anakin." He hesitated. Anakin snickered and went back to looking in the far distance.
"speaking of my lovely Padawan."

Kenobi lifts a brow and pegs for him to continue.
"She's late."

Amelia's POV

My comlink went off the rails as it vibrated with yet another message. The angry voice of Skywalker once again filled my room.


I was running around like a chicken without a head. Clothing and shoes scattered everywhere as I tried to find a last-minute outfit. Once I had settled on my flowy grey tunic, I clipped my saber to my belt and attempted to hop while zipping my left boot. I quickly  grab the comlink and shove it in my pocket, I exit the room.

The clock read 8:05.

Fuck. I had five minutes to reach the tarmac... that was on the far west of the building.

I did not want to be late and face the wrath of my Master. 
Running down the halls and the stairs, I make it to the west wing and begin my final sprint. My chest felt like I inhaled lava as my lungs burned .

"I'm here! I'm here" I announced as I reached my destination.  Skywalker's head turns to face the sound of my voice, followed not to long by Master Kenobi.
Anakin scowls towards me at my tardiness.

"Well I'm glad you finally were able to make it." I put my finger up while trying to regulate my breathing. My body was slouched with my hands on my knees, looking up through my lashes. I make eye contact with the man.

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