9: No Control

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Amelia's pov

Remember when I was complaining about the scrappy and uncomfortable beds back at the Jedi temple? I take it back.

I'd jump into a cave of Gundarks to be laying in one of those beds. A bit extreme Amelia.

The bed- if you could even call it that- was a thin mattress supported by a piece of metal. I could feel the coolness of the metal through the mattress. I move so that my head lay flat on the pillow and stare at the ceiling of the many cabins on the cruiser. My arms lay flat next to my body.

I try and close my eyes for at least an ounce of sleep. I've been tossing and turning for what seems like forever. You'd think the task would be much easier considering the long haul of the mission. Dealing with not only the rescue of the Twi'leks, but also the tension between me and Skywalker.

The low hum of the engine in the background created no comfort. It was honestly beginning to annoy me.

Ryloth is back to being safe and sound. As well as being under Republic protection. Which meant we were heading back to Coruscant.

Flashbacks of when we landed to the point where

I bet something else is.

I face palm myself. I can not believe I said that. To be fair it had just slipped out and now I'm utterly embarrassed.

He's my Master. For crying out loud. I drag my hand down my face and let out a huff. Hopefully he didn't hear it.

Maybe he should.

Shut it. I cannot allow my hormones to let me think such things. Plus, I'm pretty sure Skyguy hates me.

Skyguy. Ha! I chuckle to myself. His face was livid at the new nickname.

He was a brilliant strategist I will say, and I'm surprised we didn't murder each other before the cannons did. I'm still contemplating on whether or not I have a meeting with the council.

I sigh, pulling off the thin sheet and sitting up in the small bed. Seeing as I'm now fully awake and the memories of the early day have crept in. I shuffle on my shoes and robe over my shorts and tank top.

I lightly smack my chapped lips together. Water.

Quickly grabbing my book from my bag, I stick it under my arm and grab my lightsaber.

Do I need it? Not really sure if I need it. I decide on leaving it behind. The metal door slides into the wall, as I walk in front of it. I take a step out and head towards the mess hall.

The Venator, was a large ship and had many hallways that were scattered with flight crew and clone troopers. I haven't been on many of these gigantic space crafts but they're layouts much the same.

Seeing the swinging doors to the mess hall, I walk through. I clasp my book in one hand and make my way to the beverage counter.

The area was your typical seating arrangements, and kitchen space. Only but a few tables were occupied by clones and other staff members. A table that was fully taken by clones were laughing and hitting each other on their shoulders. I smile to myself at their interaction.

 I miss my friends back home.

I make myself a glass of water and chug it down. I contemplate on making myself a cup of tea or hot coffee. I pick the ladder of the two and bring the hot liquid to my mouth.

"Hey Commander!" I hear from behind. I ignore it. "Commander Praxton".

My eyes land on the very table of troopers that were laughing just moments ago.

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