10: Into It.

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Amelia’s POV

“Waiting, the council is.” Master Yoda’s soft voice spoke. His large eyes search mine and looks behind me towards my newly appointed Master.

I wipe my sweaty hands-on my freshly cleaned tunic.  I felt my anxiety skyrocket.  As if I were taking off in a ratty old speeder. My hands shook as the green creature stared at me.

I look over my shoulder and see him. His head being supported by the wall behind it with his posture slouched. His arms crossed and his blue eyes closed shut tightly.

Anakin Skywalker

It hasn’t been long since we landed on the tarmac of Coruscant.  My eyes dart to his nonchalant form. Memories of a what happened just a few days ago flooding my mind.

I laid flat in the middle of the ring for what seems like hours.

What just happened?

I watch as Anakin basically runs out of the training room. Leaving behind all his belongs on the adjacent bench.

My chest heaved with shock. Was I just about to let my Master kiss me? Yes. Yes I was. A part of me is sad that I didn’t get to. He was so close I could feel his body heat radiating off him, like a furnace in the middle of winter. I close my eyes, attempting to bring my breathing back to its normal pattern.

Images of his bright blue eyes darken with lust probe my mind. The lingering feeling of his big hands on my hips, fingers digging in to my soft skin. How his hips dug into mine, with member hard again my own core.

I guess my comment on how big he was, was an understatement.

Gathering whatever sanity and strength I have left, I jolt up to my feet. I collect my robe, book and the rest of Anakin’s belongings. I slip on my robe and head towards the exit.

What I’d we did kiss? Would it lead to more? What if the council found out, would we both be expelled from the order?

My feet padded through the now more busier corridors of the Venator.  I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t even realize I’ve walked straight into someone.


“Wow there beautiful.” The deep voice boomed, his big hand stabilizing me. “Where ya heading in such a hurry?”

I look up to my impromptu wall. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention where I was going.”

He had dark mid length hair and the greenest of eyes. His stature was taller than mine and he wore basic light brown and white robes.

“You’re a Jedi?” the question leaves my lips before I even come to terms with it. He smiles, flashing his pearly white teeth.

“Yes ma’am, I was just on my way back from a mission on Hoth, when I came across the cruiser. “  His  tan hands never left my biceps. “Unfortunately I was in desperate need for fuel and supplies. Seems like the force brought me here.”

“What were you doing on Hoth?” Relieving my .. beautiful… time on Hoth. Slight flashes of Ventress’ bald head and red lightsaber cross my mind.

“Do you ask ever person you first meet all these questions?” He chuckles. “Am I allowed to at least know the name of my interrogator?”

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