4:Stardust Chords

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Amelia's POV


Fun isn't how I'd describe this scenario right now. I was flying past to of the separatist ships, their cannons firing relentlessly.

Focus Amelia

"Praxton I need you to get ahead of that cruiser and disarm those shields." Master Skywalker's irritated voice came through my headset.

I understood why he was irritated , I embarrassed him prior to our mutual take offs. And I was proud. But I have to admit that getting under his skin made me giddy. Because I don't mean giddy in the happy go lucky way. But in the hormonal way.
The scowl that plastered on his face and his unbreakable eye contact haven't left my brain.

"Copy that Master."

Avoiding more attacks from the blockade, I steer my ship to the left and make my way to one of their bigger ships.

Aiming to get into position to blast their shields, I only had one shot at this.

"Alright boys, I need you to fire on the count of three"

Flying past a few more gun rays, my fleet in hot pursuit. I had Styles right by me, giving me a quick nod from his cockpit. Before I accelerated.

I grip the steering handles tighter than before, leaving my knuckles white. My eyes were focused on target. I was flying directly towards. If I took out these shields, it would put us at advantage. We'd get through the blockade and down to Ryloth in a haste.
"Ready when you are Commander." Cody's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.


"Two." I ready my fingers at the top of handles and get ready to fire. My heart pounding in anticipation.

"Three!" My fingers press down on the triggers and hit the target. I quickly fly upwards and nearly avoid crashing into the spacecraft. Starting my U-turn, a string of blue fires behind mine.
I watch as my fleet fire at our target, destroying their protective shields.

"Well done, boys." I was proud of me and them. "Time to head for initial mission though, Master Skywalker will take care of the rest."

Watching as my Masters ship flies passed mine, our eyes lock for only a second. And a shiver runs down my spine. It doesn't last long before I'm flying behind the Republic ships and onto the north side. Where my first mission is. Successfully destroying another ship. A smile never left my face.

It's was relatively easy to take out the rest of the blockade. Skywalker had some pretty amazing flying skills. But I'd be damned if I ever admit that to anyone. I would rather be caught in a cage with a million Gundarks than to be caught compliment Mr. Chosen One.


Our decent down to the dessert and sand bound planet was safe. Thank the Force.
I stepped out of my ship, and R7 flew out and followed behind me. I've never had the opportunity to get my own droid. I doubt Mr. Sunshine would allow me to keep him regardless.

Ryloth is hot, I wish I would've worn something other than this long sleeved tunic. I could already feel myself sweating. I was not looking forward to this.

"I must admit, I am impressed." I hadn't even heard him walk up to me. Moving my head to right, to look at my Master.

"Is that a compliment?" I ask, shocked. I'm not really expecting him to be nice.

Maybe he also forgot about the comment in the hanger.

"Don't let it get to your head, Padawan. I'm still not over what you said on the hanger." His face hardening at the words. "We will discuss that later."

Never mind, he remembers.

"Oh, I'm sure we will. But to be fair. You were never meant to hear it."

He exhales, crossing his arms over his chest. Making his muscles flex underneath his mahogany tunic. His broad shoulders were tense, and his jaw was locked . I am looking back to his face quickly before I get caught ogling my mentor.

I'd love to feel those muscles.

"Bad mouthing me to clones is a sign of lack of respect, Padawan." He smirks. "And if I'm going to be your Master, you must respect me."

I sneer at him.
"Respect isn't taken Master, it's earned. So far you've done nothing to earn mine." I begin walking away to make my way over to Commander Cody and the rest of troopers. He wants respect when all he's done was give me attitude and tell me how much he doesn't want a Padawan.

I was pulled back by a grip on my arm. I came face to face with him, and my jaw was clenched. He face no longer adorned his usual smirk. His eyes were squinting down at me .

"I didn't ask for your opinion on the matter. I'm simply stating a fact. You need to respect me." His grip on my arm hadn't moved. His voice was serious and dominant. "I am your Master Amelia. Whether or not you like it. I will not allow you to speak about me like that in front of others."

He was right, even though we didn't like one another. It wasn't wise for me to tarnish my name. The council wouldn't approve.

Looking to the floor, I sigh.
Amelia - 0
Skywalker- 1

"You're right Master Skywalker, I shouldn't have said what I said." He let go of my arm, feeling the lost of his warmth almost immediately when he did. He began walking towards Master Kenobi, leaving me standing where I was. Relishing in the faint memory of his hold.

"Come on then, we have a mission to follow."

Anakin's POV

I had Amelia walking beside me when we reached Obi-Wan and the rest of the 501st near the edge of the forest.

My hand still tingles from when I was holding her arm. I didn't understand this feeling tingly feeling. I've never felt that, and I'm no saint. I'm touched my fair share of women. I am a man, after all. Plus, when you look like me, I'm irresistible.

"There you are Anakin" He walks up to me, his hand on his chin." I was beginning to think you and Amelia had lost your way. Or worse." Referring to his 'go easy on him' comment from earlier.

"Ha-ha Obi-Wan, we all know that when I'm around, nothing can go wrong." I hear her snicker at my words. She has yet to see me in action. I am after all the chosen one. I've saved Obi-Wan more times than I can count, even as his Padawan.

"What's the plan from here Master". Deciding to ignore the brat.
She's gotten under my skin enough for today. Her comment in the hanger never left my mind.
It infuriated me. I wanted to tell her then and there, how I mad I was.

It's more like bending her over and punishing her.

My former Masters voice brings me back to reality from my lustful thoughts about her. It's so wrong to be thinking of her that way. The council would be livid. Not to mention it's unethical.

"We have to cut through the forest and secure the wall. From our scans, there are 2 towers guarded my droids. Once we've secured the wall, we'll be able to get through where the Twi'leks are being kept. "

I nod. Nothing I couldn't handle, I mean we couldn't handle.

"Me and Amelia will take care of the wall." Looking over my shoulder to my Padawan." We'll contact you as soon as we get through."

"Alright Padawan, ready for to head out?" I ask her, her eyes glimmer with excitement as she nods.

"Always ready to quick some droid butt."


I had sent her away to eat and rest before we head out through the Forrest.

Now I was watching her sit on the sand colored ground, legs crossed while she was deep in her mediation. I was leaning against a nearby wall. She looks so peaceful. Her eyes were closed, her pale face relaxed, and her pink lips closed. I still have no idea about this girl. I still think about what happened to her former Master. Why was she assigned to me?

Other than the obvious.

She left me with more unanswered questions. I was relaxing myself when I started to feel her force presence. It hit me like a bus. Amelia was strong with the force

Her emotions were scattered when I felt her force presence. Hurt and guilt the main ones.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She says without opening her eyes. I don't respond. I just smile at her response. I have to admit she is witty. Snippy, if anything.

I push myself off the wall and walk towards her.

"I just came to tell you we were heading out." I sit down in front of her, crossing my long legs as well. I look at her once more. I watch as her eyes open slowly, piercing into my own blue ones.

"What are you doing?" She questions me.

"What does it look like? I'm joining you."


"Because as your Master I can, and I will." I close my eyes and begin to meditate. Allow the Force to flow through me. She doesn't answer but I can feel her staring.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare Amelia." I hear her scoff.

"I wasn't staring."

Chuckling. "Sure you weren't."

"I wasn't! You're.. you're just invading my personal space."

Oh,you don't even know how I'd like to invade your personal space.

I open my eyes, getting off the sandy ground.

Man, do I hate sand.

I watch as she stands, dusting off her gray and black tunic.

"Come on, we're running late." I say walking away.

1.6k words, the chapters just keep getting longer and longer. I had to take some time between this and last chapter. I burnt my hand pretty bad, but it's atrted to heal. Thank the Force.
I've already started chapter 5. So it won't be long until it comes out.
I'm really enjoy molding these characters.
I really hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing .

May the force be with you ,
- Lia

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