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Anakin's POV

A padawan? The council must be playing a joke on me. Maker knows I don't want this. How am I supposed to focus on a war when I have to train a jedi? Why not Obi-Wan? He's good with this sort of stuff.

I mean, look at me, I turned out.. amazing.

I look at the girl. She's older than the other padawans in the temple. I wonder why they're assigning her a master now. She intrigued me, her confident stature inviting me to find out more.

"A padawan?! You've got to be joking Obi-Wan." My old Master looking away, holding back his fit of laughter.
I look at Amelia once more, her arms crossed over her chest, and a smirk placed upon her full lips.
I sense I've got more than I can bargain with.

I sense a brat.

Shaking my head from the thoughts. I'm not supposed to be thinking about how I'd punish her if I was giving the chance.
Focus Skywalker.

"The council has made their decision Anakin, you're more than welcome to go argue with Master Windu about it." Obi-Wan replies, laughter still seeping through his words.
He begins to walk away, arms pull behind his back.
"I'll let you two get acquainted." He turns to Amelia, "Go easy on him, he's cranky." She waves to him, "Bye Obi-Wan."

I huff, watching him walk away. He told her to go easy on me. It should be the other around.

"I sense having a Padawan wasn't really in your plans then."

"No, not at all." Looking down at her. "But as long as you follow my orders, I don't think we'll have an issue."

"I'll follow your orders if they make sense. " Her defience already clear.

"Right then, Praxton, let's see what you're made of."

We board the ship, R2 following behind me. Our next mission was on Ryloth. A hot planet, right outside the Outer Rim.

The Separatists currently occupied the country, and it was beneficial to the Republic to free the Twi'leks. Unfortunately, this meant we needed to cut through a blockade.

"Alright, padawan, this is our first mission together."
I'm looking over to Amelia. "You'll be commanding your own fleet today. "
Her body stiffens and looks to the ground. Once she looks back up to me. "Yeah, i dont think you'd want me flying Master.. "

"And why is that?" Are you afraid of some blasters, Praxton?" She huffs, crossing her arms once more.

"I'm not afraid of anything, let alone a few blasters."

Continuing walking behind me.
"I don't like flying." I smirk and look down at her.

Maker, is she small... easy to move at my whim....

Whatever hesitation she had, she did a good job hiding it. She wasn't talkative during the time we spent getting ready to board the ship and head to our mission.
Hearing her talk was nice.
I still wasn't exactly pleased with the council lying to me.
Nor would I have agreed to be this girls Master. This would be something to bring up afterward.
Our take off of Coruscant was fast, and before we knew it, we were deep into hyperspace as we made our way to the Outer Rim.

Captain Rex and Admiral Yularen were waiting for us in the command room.

"So what's the plan, Captain?" I already knew, but it was more for Amelia's sake.

Rex looks behind me, Amelia obviously catching their attention.
"Who might this be General?" Ignoring my initial question. Moving to the right, I allow Amelia to be fully visible.

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