11: So happily

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Amelia's POV

The library had become a sanctuary over the years, especially after losing Master Luminara. The books, old parchment, and scrolls scattered along the various bookshelves and tables.

The bookshelves were almost to the ceiling and would often need the assistance to find or reach. Madame Jocasta Nu often helped Luminara and found information in the Jedi Archives. The library was home to many key sources of knowledge,  as well as one of the most important secrets of the Jedi.  The Holocrons, hidden from plain sight and only accessible to few. I've never seen one, but I've heard that the holocrons held the secrets of the Jedi.

Rays of sunlight burst through the minimal windows in the room. It was nearing midday, and I have made myself a cozy nest within the piles of books. Many of the old tales of the dark days, sentinels, and aray of Jedi guardians.

The meeting early in the day had left me disappointed. I was confused as to why Anakin fought to keep me as his Padawan. Was he that worried I would spill about the make-out session that occurred. 

He way he looked at my pleading face and still continued to boast about wanting to train me further.
We both know that continuing would be a result for disaster.

Sitting up from my slouched position on the couch, I stretch my limbs and roll my neck. I sighed deeply and picked up a few of the books I had finished in pursuit of the hurtful words of Mace Windu.

Master Windu. His voice was full of accusation tonality. "I'm lucky to even have a master" after what happened to Luminara.
The council knew I blamed myself for what happened to her. I still do. The nightmares of her lifeless body plague my mind like mold in a bathroom. Always creeping in and settling.


I didn't stick around long afterward. I was already frustrated from being denied of my request. I was already ready to argue with the bald headed Master. But the anger turned into a sudden rush of pain at the mention of the tragic death of my former Master.

"I've finished these ones, Madame Nu," I say, placing the small stack of books on her desk. "I really enjoyed the history of the Dark side book you suggested."

She smiled brightly, pushing up her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed my dear."  I began to walk back to my quiet space towards the back. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Of course, Madame Jocasta."

Rolling up the white sleeves of my thin shirt, I take a sip of coffee and grab another book on the pile. 

Immediately being engrossed by the black ink of the pages , I don't feel the force presents around me.

Suddenly, my eyes are being covered by small hands.
"Guess who," the sing- song voice asks. I smirk.

"A really annoying person." I say Chuckling.

"Hey!" The  fingers are peeled away from my eyes, and my vision is restored. "That's no way to greet your best friend."

I stand up and turn towards my best friend. 

"You're right." I admit and bow. "My apologies, Padawan Tano."

She rolls her bright eyes and crosses her arms over her blue top.

"You don't need to call me that! My master does it enough Amelia."

I hug her tightly, and she responds.

"I missed you, Ahsoka."
"it's been far too long."

I pull back and stare at my Torgruta  best friend. 

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