1:Meeting the Master

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My heart was beating so hard I thought my chest was going to implode. I've never felt so afraid. Goosebumps arose upon my skin. We were on a ship, a separatist ship. Me and my master were on a mission. Unfortunately, we were separated, and I was on the lookout for her and hiding away.

Battle druids roamed freely, marching two by two. Looking around I make my next move, crossing the hallway and into the command room. I ignite the blade of my white lightsaber. Using the force to pull one of the droids, I slice him through the abdomen. Jumping to cut the other three. Pulling my right wrist to my face.
"I've made it Master." I speak into the comlink. A sick feeling washes over me, like someone was coming . I decided to ignore it and begin downloading the Intel. All I knew was that the longer I stayed on this ship, the closer Grievous was tfindng us.
Anxiety pooled at the pit of my stomach, my ears ringing.

Footsteps could be heard, fast approaching. checkedck the tablet-fuck- 30 percent downloaded. Why is this taking forever? My breath stops as the doors slide open, aggressively slaming into the wall. Grievous standing tall, almost caught off guard by my present.
"What are you doing here Jedi scum!" The sound of his robotic voice. I stood, fear ridden. Unable to move, stuck in place. I wanted to scream,but I couldn't, he ignites two of his lightsabers. Twirling the two. I should prepare to fight,but all I can do is stare at the inhumane general stalking towards me.
Come on, Amelia Your master would be so disappointed. Fight!
He's almost standing infront me, I drop to my knees. I've already lost, I couldn't take him either way, I'm too weak. Looking up, my lips being to tremble, the glow of blue and green glow on each side of my face.
A menacing laugh escapes Grievous, his lightsabers ready to decapitate me. "I'll kill you, just like your old Master."

A scream leaves my lungs as I sit up. A cold shiver takes over my sweaty body. There's never really a night where I don't have nightmares, but they've never been this vivid. Almost like I was reliving a memory, or maybe it was just the Force sending me a vision. I decide to ignore it and get out of my disheveled and uncomfortable bed. Why would I have to sacrifice comfort just to be a Jedi? Like, couldn't we also get a soft comfy mattress. After all, we are fighting a war.

I quickly shower and get changed. Clipping my lightsaber to my belt, tying my brown hair into a high ponytail. Zipping the length of my combat boots, I might as well go get some food and hit the training room. The training room has become a relief to me, a way to blank out my thoughts. A distraction that has proven to be a benefit more than anything. I'm one of the most advanced padawans at the temple, well now a master-less padawan.

I open the door to my room and make my way to one of the Temples' many training rooms. The corridors were vast and empty. I hadn't checked the time, but the windows showed a very visible dark sky of Coruscant. I sigh and enter the room after a few minutes of walking.

I grab my lightsaber and ignite the white blade. I set the training room to an advanced setting and begin to train.

I'm not really sure how much time has passed, but I worked up a sweat. My breath came out quickly and rapidly. I felt a presence , and I spun around.

"Master Yoda!" I say a little surprised, retracting my lightsaber.

"News, I have." He says. "Assigned a new Master, the council has,"

Already? I wonder if it's him or maybe Kenobi. Obi-Wan was always a nice person. We trained a few times but nothing really to look forward to. He was an easy defeat. Not to be overconfident, but I know my skill. Though Obi-Wan is very agile, my aggressive approach was not taken well by him.

"Oh? Who was the Council chosen?" I ask, looking down at the creature.

The only way I'll move forward in my Jedi training is to find someone who's as reckless and aggressive as me. I love a good challenge.

A smirk appears on the Masters' face. Like he read my mind.

"Master Skywalker, it is."
I've only heard about the "chosen one", a different type of General. A little on the reckless side.
I've only seen him a couple of times, and those times he's always been with Master Kenobi.

I force a smile on my face.
"Thank you Master."

"Meet him. You will." He says as he begins walking away.


I make my way to the hanger to meet my new Master. The hanger is full of Republic gunships and ARC-170s. Clones are everywhere and anywhere. Packing supplies and boarding ships. The place was moving. Everyone was on a mission. As was I, I was nervous. I've never officially met Skywalker, and to be met as his Padawan made butterflies erupt.

I locate Master Kenobi, next to a Y-wing , talking to someone I couldn't make out.
Maybe I could ask him to help me find Skywalker. Jogging up to him.

"Hey Kenobi!" His head spins around, arms cross and his infamous smile on his face. Still unable to recognize the man who stood next to him.
Though he does look familiar, I just can't place it.

"Hello there! What are you doing out here?"

"I'm on a quest, I've been assigned a new Master, maybe you can help me find him." Catching my breath.

"Ah, Master Yoda has informed you then." Stepping aside, allowing the taller man to be on full view. "Amelia, this is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, this is Amelia Praxton."

Holy shit, this is him he looks different. More mature, I must admit the last time I saw him was a couple of years ago. When he got promoted to Master Jedi. He stood tall, at least a foot taller than me. Wavy hair, slightly slick back. Adorned in jedi robes, lightsaber clipped to his side. He was attractive, that I couldn't lie.

Obi-Wan looks over to his former padawan, smiling.

"Master Skywalker, meet your new Padawan." His eyes widen, like this is the first he hears of it. Isn't he supposed to know this stuff? Unless the council did it on purpose, not to tell him.

I chuckle at the surprised look on his face.

"Nice to meet you,Master."

Okay, this is the first chapter. Send me grogu, I literally rewrote this chapter atleast 3 times. This story is just for fun. Also, not me struggling to add different gifs, but failing miserably. I'm almost done season 4 of the clone wars and like guys, I'm not okay.

But anyways,let me know what you think.

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