(1) Train Ride

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Dipper's POV

I woke up to mable bursting into my room and excitingly squealing "DIPPER WAKE UP WERE GOING TO THE ACADEMY!!!"

"Ok ok I'm up, gosh my ears"

"mable please it's five in the morning" Tyrone said while coming out of his room "oh come on! Both mason and belle are already up!"

"That's because belle needs to take her car to the car wash and mason always gets dragged along by belle" may said while also coming out of her room because of Mable's yelling.

"oh good all you are up now hurry up and get ready we're going to the diner for breakfast today" mason said after seeing us all in the hallway, before going back down.




I quickly took a shower and went to my room to wear my usual clothes, while I was putting on my clothes I heard mason shout from downstairs "Bring your Luggage With You! We are Going Straight To The Academy After Eating!"

'Well, I better make sure to double-check my luggage' after I finished putting on my clothes I double-checked my luggage to make sure I didn't leave anything important behind like the Dream catcher and my Journal. I went out of my room to see mable with three different bags.

"You did not have that much stuff, did you?" I asked "Maybe?" Mable replied looking to the side a bit "can you please help me get these downstairs?"

"Fine, also is it ok to put Waddles in your side bag like that" I said pointing at Waddles who has his head poking out of the bag that's mable wearing.

"meh he's fine, right Waddles?"

"Alright then, but I'm not going to help Chase him if he jumps out of the bag and tries to run away again" I stated, I helped bring Mable's luggage downstairs, and both May and Tyrone were already downstairs waiting near the front door.

"How the hell did you already get that much stuff!? We've only been here for two days!?" Tyrone said.

"oh come on it's not THAT much" mable said crossing her arms.

"oi Hurry Up and Get in The car You Four!" Belle yelled from her car, while mason was sitting in the front seat on his phone.

"Dipper mable come here and put your luggage in the van!" "Ok dad" we went and put our luggage into the van Tyrone and may also help carried mable's luggages, After that we went to the diner.

When we got there, there was barely anyone probably since it was pretty early in the morning, we all sat down and ordered our food while we were waiting for our food mason started asking questions about the academy "so how are we going to go to the academy exactly? Like do we have to go through a portal or something?"

"Oh yeah! Do we ride a train to get there? Like in harry potter!?" Mable added.

"well yes you do go there by train, after this we're going to the train station" mom replied our food came and we all started eating.

When we were halfway through our food a familiar face came in, it was Mable's best friends candy and Grenda.

"Gasp* Hey guys!" Mable shouted waving her hand, they looked in her direction smiled, and waved back.

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