(2) Market Place

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Mabel's POV

Mom and I were making our was through the crowd while also looking around for the potion shop.

"Whoa this place is freakier than Grunkle Ford's Basement" i said.

"This is only the surface of the market, whatever's down will be more Traumatizing" Mom laughed.

"Have you gone there?"

"Eh, i'd rather not talk about it" Mom cringed.

We continued to walk around when waddles suddenly started to panik inside my bag.

"Waddles calm down! It's ok hey— Waddles!" I yelled as he suddenly jumped out.

"Waddles come back damn it!" I yelled as i ran chasing after him.

I could hear Mom yelling at me but i continued to chase waddles, Bumping into some people in the proses.

"ACK, Sorry! I'm so sorry! Excuse me! WADDLES COME BACK!" I Yelled.

I tried my best to chase after him but i kept bumping and getting trapped between people. And just when i was about to lose sight of him i saw a hand grab him.

"Waddles!" I yelled before Freeing myself from the crowd and accidentally falling to the ground.

"Ugh, That hurt" i groaned.

"Are you ok?" A voice said, I saw a hand reaching out to me. I look up and saw a cute blue haired boy, he looked concerned.

"Ah yeah thanks" i said, taking his hand. as he helped me up i saw waddles in his Arm. He was holding him as if he was a baby.

"Waddles!" I yelled, but he didn't seem all panicked like before instead he was happy and chilling in some strangers Arms.

"Oh! So this is your pig? Here you go, i thought he escaped from a butcher or something" He laughed.

"Thank you soo much! You just saved me so much time" I laughed, but abruptly stopped when i realize something.

where am i? I look around and realized there was a crowd surrounding me and the blue boy. They we're all silently watching us.

Should i panic!? This is soo weird, Am i being ambushed!? Maybe i should have waited for mom.

The blue boy seemed to realize i was uncomfortable and said "the market is bustling today, don't you think you should run along now? It's not every nice to block the road like this..." He said seeming to glare at the crowd.

After he said that the crowd immediately scattered and everyone went away, but they still kept their distance from me and the blue boy.

"Hah thanks i thought i was gonna die from the awkwardness" i nervously laughed, who is this dude!? How did he make all those people run away like that!?

"It's not a problem, these things usually happen to me, i apologize. You wouldn't be in this situation if—"

"Hey don't apologize, you just saved me twice in a row! I thought i would have to beat someone up for me to get waddles back" i interrupted him.

"Ah! I-it was nothing really!" He blushed.

"How about we introduce each other properly? I'll go first, My name is Mabel Pines" i said reaching my hand out.

"I-i'm Will Cipher it's nice to meet you mabel" he said shaking me hand.

"Will, that name suits you! Though i thought it would be fancier like William or something" i said.

"Well i was named after my father William, they thought of naming me William Junior but my uncle stopped them, so they ended up naming me Will" he laughed.

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