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████ POV

Just like last time...

I was standing in a field of flowers again, there was a tree and a swing with someone sitting on it.

"Ugh, why does this keep happening!?" I screamed to myself.

Every time I go up to him it feels like I'm losing control of myself. Should I just sit here?

I looked around for some kind of exit but the dream was sealed shut. There's no way in or out.

I decided to sit down and do nothing, waiting for him to let me out or something.




This is harder than I thought... I laid down and started rolling around to keep my mind occupied. It was starting to work until I heard the sound of someone swinging and Humming.

I looked over to the tree and there he was swinging and now singing without a care in the world.

"Can you not!?" I yelled.

He stopped for a moment before continuing.

"If it weren't for the fact I can't use my powers here, I would have set this entire dream on fire"

Nothing happened for a while until my body started moving on its own again.

"Fuck. Are you supposed to be a Siren or something!?" I yell, trying to keep my body from getting up.

He continued to sing and now my chest hurts. I tried to fight it but it ended up taking over me, as I walked over to him still trying to fight back I could feel... Tears?




Why am I crying!?

Why does this keep happening!?

I'm a dream demon! I shouldn't be controlled by these dreams! I'm supposed to be the mastermind!

So why, why do I feel so defeated seeing him?







"whoa you weren't kidding Kill," Pyronica said, amused.

"I didn't know you dream demons could have nightmares and to the point of even shedding tears" Keyhole laughed.

"so how was the dream?" Kill laughed.

"you... GET OUT!" I yelled.

I kicked them out the window since it was closer than the door, shards of glass were everywhere. I closed the blinds, I could still hear them yell something but I ignored them and lay down on my bed.

"ugh, this is so annoying" I groaned.

*Knock knock

"fuck off!" I yelled. But I hear the door open anyway.

"you know you could at least clean that up," Will said, probably talking about the shattered glass.

"what do you want" I groaned, ignoring what he said before.

"am I not allowed to see how my depressed brother is doing?" he joked, sitting on the chair next to my bed.

"If you're just here to make fun of me fuck off, I can't even throw you out the window cuz that woman would kill me if I did," I said, muffling the last part.

"I'm not Kill, and I'm actually here because Mother asked us to go to the dining room" he explained.

"what? Why!?"

"dunno" he shrugged, before standing up "but let's hurry, you know how impatient she is"

I groaned before slowly getting up from my bed while Will patiently waited for me at the door.





"Why did you call us here again hag?" Kill asks while leaning back on his chair.

"Kill watch your mouth, that's not how you talk to your mother" father interrupted shooting a glare at his son.

"Thank you dear, I'll get to the point then. A letter just came in from the Evarys Academy, they are inviting you three to join" mother said, waving and then shooting the letter at Kill, hitting him on the face, Almost making him fall off this chair.

"I'll pass on this one," he said throwing the letter to Will.

"Oh kill my dear, I'm not asking you to go, I'm telling you to. All three of you and your 'friends' will be off by tomorrow. So pack your bags!"  mother smiled, looks like she's looking forward to having us gone for a while.

"Mother with all due respect but... Are you sure this is from The Evarys Academy? I thought it shut down a couple of decades back" Will asked, staring at the letter.

"Don't worry Willy your dearest mother is not easy to fool, also... a decade ago I heard from your uncle that the academy was planning to reopen. So if anything wrong happens you can just blame it on him!" Mother reassured.

"Whatever then, I'm leaving to pack," Kill said before standing up and leaving the room.

"ah! I'll leave this here" Will said, putting the letter on the table before following Kill out.

As I was about to stand up Mother suddenly interrupted me.

"wait just a second Bill. We need to talk to you about something..." She said, as the doors and windows closed and the servants disappeared.

It was just Me and my two annoying parents left.

"we've been informed that there will be a... Unique Soul also attending the Academy. They said its soul is far more unstable than yours" She said.

"And? What do you want me to do about it?" I replied, confused and annoyed about what mother wanted.

"Nothing particular just keep an eye on it"

"Can't kill or will do this? I think I'd rather fool around than have to keep an eye on some weirdo's soul"

"your the best option here. Kill will probably try and pick a fight with it and Will is a dear I don't want him to get in trouble, he would probably be too nervous and mess up. Not to mention this 'thing' has far too much of a mess of a soul for beings with a stable soul to see it. Which leaves you as our last and only option."

"Your favoritism is showing"

"I know, and I'm sure you won't disappoint Bill. Now go and pack your bag!" mother yelled as I was already walking out of the room.

"Oh and don't tell your brothers about this!" i hear Father yelled.

"of course they Had to choose me for this stupid task" I muttered.




3rd POV

Bill was out of the room which left the two parents sitting silently before one of them spoke.

"Are you sure it will be ok?"

"dear don't worry they'll be fine. They are our children after all"

"We don't exactly know what this thing is. Considering even Tad is concerned about this being, we shouldn't be so laid back"

"true... Though Tad Is there. I'm sure he'll protect his nephews if anything happens"

"you have too much trust in him"

"and your his brother shouldn't you trust him more?" She laughed.

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