(3) Back This Summer

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Dipper's POV

Me, Mabel, and Mason were playing uno while Belle was driving, we were minutes away from arriving in Gravity Falls when Mabel finally won a match.

"HAH! Take that!" She laughed.

"wow finally, after ten rounds congrats on your win," I teased.

"if only I went first this round, I would have won" Mason sighed.

"pack the cards you three, we're almost there," Belle said as we passed the sign saying "Welcome To Gravity Falls".

"oki doki" Mabel said, "Waddles spit them out"

Waddles froze for a moment before throwing up a bunch of cards.

"Ew, Mabel you we're cheating with waddles?!" I said.

"you know what they say, work smarter, not harder"

"I'm never touching those cards ever again," Belle said, disguised.

"you'd be surprised with the amount of stuff you've touched that has been inside of waddles before" Mason laughed.

"Mason don't say that, I'm driving!" Belle yelled.





We arrived in front of the mystery shack, the others were already outside greeting grunkle stan and the others. As soon as Belle parked Mabel quickly got out of the car "WE'RE BACK!" She screamed running up to the others and attacking them with a hug.

Belle, Mason, and I got out of the car joining the others.

"Hat switch?" Wendy said.

"Hat switch," I said, we both threw our hats back at each other. But I missed and accidentally threw it at Grunkle Ford.

"Grunkle Ford! I'm so sorry" I said.

"It's fine dipper, it's nice to have you back" He laughed, patting my back.

After catching up we went inside to unpack.

"Woah! Did you guys renovate?" Mabel said in awe.

The upstairs is a lot bigger than before, there are also a lot more rooms.

"I guess you can say that" Grunkle Ford answered.

"I don't know what kind of magical device Ford got his hands on, but it sure is useful," Grunkle Stan said, probably happy that he doesn't have to pay for renovation.

"Dips on this room!" May yelled, pushing her twin out of the way."Hey! God damn it may!"

"you kids need to calm down, there's enough room for everyone" Ford sighed.

I picked the room near the stairs and started unpacking my bags. I could hear Mabel giggling from next door but I brushed it off and continued unpacking. Until I hear an Oink.

"What the- Waddles?!"

Waddles was sitting beside me, I looked over to the door and it was still closed, I also didn't hear the door opening so how did-

"Hehe, guess what Dipper!," Mabel said, sticking out her head from a hole in the wall."Waddles will still be you Alarm Piggy"

"Mabel!? are you kidding me!?" Yelled. She just giggled at me before covering the hole with her poster. Leaving me alone with waddles.


"Waddles No, Don't eat that!" I sighed.


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