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The young love birds were sitting in the sand watching the sunrise with beautiful smiles

They said 'good morning' unison with a nose crunch and laughed silly.

That was the best morning they had .

Later they left for their respective rooms and freshened up for breakfast.

When Taehyung was about to get out of his room he heard the door knock.

He opened the door and was surprised to watch Jungkook's Jin Hyung standing in front of him.

" Taehyung shi, can I have your time?" He asked politely.

Taehyung welcomed him  inside and offered the couch to sit.

" Taehyung shi, I'm here to talk about something important to you " he said with a pleasant smile.

" Hyung, Don't be formal treat me like your Jackie " Taehyung smiled.

Jin laughed loudly making Taehyung frown, 'did I say something bad 'Taehyung questioned himself .

" I treat that brat very badly, hahaha I can't treat anyone like that" he laughed.

Taehyung understood their silly bond and smiled.

" Haaa jokes apart, Taehyungah..
Hmm is that ok?" He raised his eyebrow.
Taehyung nodded in reply.

" So , the thing is, I don't know how that brat was before he lost his memory, but as the span of three and half years of him staying with us, he was a complete shy guy who covers with emo looking outfits, he appears like he is a roadside thug but that was a complete cupcake, I don't know how your bonding was with him in past, but the lastest version needs Jin instructions that you should follow for good results, that brat never listens when you ask something politely, he needs some serious warnings and threatens, I didn't let him touch alcohol,so you better keep an eye on his habits, he eats alot so try to feed him better, don't allow him to cook alone, he and my boyfriend once have set my kitchen on keep fire extinguisher available in kitchen always, he don't have any sense of romance in his brain  so don't expect much from him , but if you train him well he might get some romantic cells.

He breathed

And lastly

Send him Gwangju whenever he feels low or missing us, we can't afford coming to Seoul or spending time with him you know... Me and Joon spend most of our lives in the sea, Jungkook was the only reason for us being at home, we used to be on ship 365 days... That brat (sighs*) he completes my small family, I feel home and complete like I had a child and husband when I have Jack and joon in home roaming around... I know this day will come when we have to let him go...but please take care of him... protect him... Don't lose him again... thanks to god that day he gave us a chance to save him... in reward we had the most beautiful memories with him for this life...aaahhhh I can feel you Taehyungaahh , It must be fucking hard for you to live without him right...see I don't want to get emotional...but still....aarrrggghhh I don't want to cry but this silly eyes betraying me" he laughed wiping his eyes.

Taehyung kneeled in front of him catching his hands.

" Hyung... your Jackie is not going anywhere, if he wants to stay with you, we don't mind shifting to Gwangju, and I will definitely be careful this time and protect your baby with all my strength... trust me I will take care of him " he said with a hope-giving look.

Jin nodded with tears.

He got up to make Taehyung stand.

He hugged Taehyung patting his back.

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