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Face timing is the best thing that technology invented these days, I wonder how people in olden days used to live without their dear ones.

Taehyung though himself while starting at the screen where Jungkook was watching him back quitely.

" Do you miss me tae?" Jungkook chuckled.

" Very much, still I have to wait for ten more days to meet you in school" Taehyung sighed.

" Awww" Jungkook teased him.

Taehyung frowned with a pout.

" Do you know Taehyung, Daegu isn't that far from Busan " Jungkook Wiggled his brows.

Taehyung exclaimed.


The whole house was filled with Taehyung's happy rants , he was busy very busy with doing something in the house along with his grandmother, there are two reasons for his happiness.

The first happiness arrived in a moment.

His parents returned to their home after completing their work in another city.

Finally they are United.

Taehyung loves his father alot , he's his super hero.

But he's a mumma's boy too.

He loves his parents alot as equal as his grand parents.

Though he had to live more with his grand parents, his mom and dad never failed to shower their love on him whenever they get chance to meet him.

They love him alot.

Taehyung helped his grandmother in making delicious food for his parents and also his second happy reason.

He heard a horn out of his house.

The happiness in Taehyung's big boxy smile is quite visible to all the family members.

As he pre informed to his grandmother , she explained the reason behind his happiness when he flew out of the house to meet the person.

" Bear said, his friend going to visit our house, maybe it's him" she announced.

Taehyung jumped out of the house and there stood a 17 yr old Jungkook streching his hands inviting him for a bear hug like a gentleman.

Taehyung jumped into his arms and gave a bear hug.

" You came all the way here for me?" Taehyung exclaimed.

" It took me 59 mins to reach here, but I felt restless Tae, I'm excited as much as you do". Jungkook said just like a whisper in his ear.

Taehyung felt a wave in his stomach for the very first time ever and he felt his ears burning.

" Let's go inside " Taehyung said with a low tone.


All of them along with Jungkook having breakfast together, they adopted him in very less time as they can see how much Taehyung likes him.

Jungkook spend his time the whole day with Taehyung and his family.

He took Jungkook to visit their field.

" Do you like strawberries?" Taehyung asked Jungkook while picking up one from the ground.

" They taste sour " Jungkook doing faces to Taehyung.

" Hahah, there is an art to eat strawberries,you know ! not everyone can eat perfect strawberries " he flicked his hair hanging on his neck.

" Oh , is it so?!" Jungkook looked curious.

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