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After a few days since little Jake moved into his home with Beau and Dayton, the new parents organized a small barbecue celebration for Jake to meet all of Beau and Dayton's colleagues and friends. The Daggers were eager to meet the little admiral as they affectionately called him. Penny came with Amelia earlier to help with the organization and brought cookies to Jake and he politely thanked them.

- He's so cute. Look at his eyes. - Amelia softened.

- I'm happy that he fit in quickly. He keeps Beau in his sight. He used to sleep on his shoulder while Beau was typing emails. - explained Dayton while mixing the salad.

- Young mom. You skipped the best part. Colic cramps, teething. - Penny joked.

Laughter rang out in the kitchen as the Daggers entered the house as if they lived there. Just with a quick knock so Beau and Maverick don't tell them they're being rude. Jake was a little embarrassed and hid behind Dayton.

-Dear God, he is even cuter than you described him.- Phoenix said excitedly.

- Guys, this is Jake. Our son. And Jake, this is the Dagger Squadron. Those are the pilots you've heard stories about. - Dayton explained and smiled when Jake peeked behind her at the word pilots.

- Did you fly with them, mom?

- That's right, honey. Do you want to meet them?

- May I know their callsign? - Jake asked as Dayton stroked his ash blonde hair.

-Of course. This is Bradley also known as Rooster, Nate as Phoenix, Reuben as Payback, Mickey as Fanboy, Robert as Bob, Javy as Coyote.

-Really? I'm hurt. - Hangman spoke offended in disbelief while the others laughed at him.

-And my Jake, this is also Jake whom we call Hangman.- Dayton introduced him specially.

-Or Bagman.- Phoenix couldn't stand it without saying this.

- Welcome to the team, little one. - Hangman said kneeling in front of Jake, saluting him.

Jake was delighted with the whole team, and even more so when they all saluted him and extended their hand to greet and welcome him. Jake led them into the backyard while Beau prepared the barbecue and Bob offered to help him with the preparation. Dayton looked at them all together and saw that Jake was sitting between Coyote leaning against Hangman as they probably told him an exaggerated story about the mission. The party started and they were joined by Warlock with his family and Hondo. Jake was delighted and even played football with the Daggers.

-Mom. Do we have a Band-Aid?- Jake shouted after running into the house.

-I do. Did you fall? - Dayton asked worriedly.

-I'm fine. Hangman scratched his wrist.

- Send him to me. OK?

- Yes, mom.

Jake ran outside and came back with Hangman holding a napkin around his wrist.

- Let me look.

- Just a small scratch. I wanted to defend the goal and got my hand caught in a bush. I'm fine. - Hangman explained while Dayton injected his wound with disinfectant.

-Honey, your friend will be fine. I'm just going to wrap this around him so he doesn't bleed or get the wound dirty. But tomorrow to the medical department. Clear?

- Yes, mom. - said Hangman, making the worried Jake laugh.

-Thanks, mom.- Jake said after Hangman picked him up.

Beau invited them all to the table and started the toast.

- I know I'm going to sound corny about this one, but I liked the line from the movie 'The Fast and the Furious' that I watched in the hospital with Jake. Money will come and go. Friends will come and go. But family always remains. So I want to thank you all for being here to welcome Jake into this family. For being there for me when I was dying without Dayton and for watching over her when I wasn't there. Thank you.

-I'll just add that these people were just here together without knowing that they needed each other.- Dayton interjected into Beau's speech by hugging him around his side while her eyes fell on Hangman and Rooster smiling at each other and ...holding hands...under the table?

They hit the grill as Jake expressed his desire to sit near the Daggers because they all clicked immediately. He listened to their stories and every now and then his surprised Wow could be heard from that side of the table.

-Honey, just eat slowly and little by little.- Beau warned him as he went to the house to get more cold beer.

- I know, dad.

After a few hours of fun and dinner, everyone relaxed a bit and danced. Dayton took advantage of this and invited Hangman into the kitchen.

- Explain yourself. Immediately. In the smallest detail - she told him with her hands on her chest and a wide smile.

-Well...I listened to you and told him. We were on the beach behind the Hard Deck and after I told him what was bothering me, I thought he was going crazy, but he told me he felt the same way. Everything is still unofficial, but I don't want to be without him. Although they will surely separate us. - Hangman explained, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

- Hey. I will do my best not to let that happen. OK? I saw you holding hands. You are a beautiful couple.

-Yeah. They are kidding us that Rooster can do better than me. Thank you, Dawn. Really. Can I give you a hug?

-Of course. Come here.

They hugged and Dayton cupped his face while Hangman was smiling like crazy.

- You are here. I thought you left. - Rooster interrupted them and blushed.

-She knows, Roo. I just told her. - Hangman gently answered him and sat down at the bar.

- I'm glad for you. Just a mind in your head. Ok? - she said and watched as Rooster gently hugged Hangman from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek near his lips.

- God, find yourself a room.

Laughter escorts them all to the yard and party.

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