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A/N: I haven't written from Cyclone's point of view in a long time. I was also advised to try writing in the first person, so I will try that in this chapter. I hope you will leave me a comment which way of writing is better for you so the book can progress and satisfy all of you.

Cyclone's POV

Dawn was sleeping soundly with her back to me and I gently ran my fingers down her side. I always liked her because she was fuller compared to other women in the Navy. It simply looked so good on her, and men and boys drooled following her footsteps wherever she went. But now I see that this rehab has drained her body. New scars dotted her back covering the old ones. I hugged her tighter and kissed the hollow between her neck and shoulder. I knew she loved it.

- Good morning. - she muttered, stretching.

- Good morning, my beauty. Did you rest? Do you have a wish for breakfast?

- I would give a piece of my soul for Belgian waffles. With hot tea.

-I'll be right back.

I kissed her to which she giggled, I hurried to the kitchen to get the number of a nearby diner that had those waffles on the menu. I remembered because Iceman mentioned how he met Sarah there, inviting her to join him while eating waffles. I ordered waffles and put the kettle on to boil water for tea for my wife...I mean girlfriend. I was going back upstairs while music was coming from the room. Of course Chris Young played. I opened the door to the room and saw Dawn standing in the middle of the room looking at herself in the mirror. She looked at me with a smile and eyes full of pride.

- How did you get there?

- I walked. I walked, Beau. - she answered me and demonstrated in a couple of uncertain steps.

- You don't give up, I see.

I needed her laugh so much. Her eyes full of joy. We were interrupted by the doorbell.

- Your waffles are here. - I said pointing my finger down the hall behind me.

- Oh, you didn't.

-Yes I am. Get dressed and we'll have breakfast here together.

I went to get the waffles and made the tea she wanted before returning to the room where Dawn was waiting for me wearing my Top Gun training crest t-shirt. She was lying on the bed on the crumpled covers, running her fingers through her own hair. She looked at me and smiled. I just wanted to watch her.

- My Lady, your waffles are ready. - I told her, placing the breakfast tray in front of her. She bit into them and rolled her eyes. I lay on my side with my elbow propped up and watched the woman in front of me enjoying her breakfast like a small child.

- They're good, aren't they? Iceman told me which diner still had them.

- I know. He often took Aunt Sarah and me there for waffles. I don't know how that man didn't have cavities as much as he could eat sweets. I remember when I was a child and when my dad was alive...Iceman was crazy about berries. He always carried a plastic box of berries with him. - she told me, licking her fingers.

- I believe you have good memories with him. I admired that man. So calm, so composed. Everything a real admiral must be. And he had too much patience for Maverick.

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