CHPT • X •

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Dayton returned home after a stormy night of love at Cyclone. On the mat in front of the front door, she was greeted with mail. Bills and birthday discounts.
As soon as she walked inside and left her mail on the table, her cell phone rang. He called her Warlock.

- General. - Dayton answered.

-Dawn, you have to come to the base immediately.

-IM on the way.

She immediately put on her uniform and jumped into the car. She was at the base in 5 minutes because she was driving as if she was being chased by all the devils of hell. She ran into the base building towards the meeting room to find Warlock with a worried expression on his face while Cyclone was pale.

-Gentlemen. You called me. What happened? - said Dayton and sat down at the table across from Warlock.

-Dawn, we received information that the uranium plant is starting earlier with the working mode. The mission is moving. Actually...the mission starts in two days.- said Warlock and Dayton felt a cold sweat running down his body.

- But... training...

- No time, Dawn. We have to eliminate the threat as soon as possible. - said Cyclone.

Dayton looked at him. He was looking at his palms and she knew that he had made a decision about who was leading the mission.

-Tomorrow we leave for the carrier.- added Cyclone and Warlock greeted them both and went out.

Dayton leaned back in her chair, lost. She didn't know what was going to happen and was shocked that the uranium mine was starting work earlier.

-Dawn, love, don't worry.- Cyclone said and took her hand. He pulled her to him and Dayton sat on his lap with teary eyes.

- You made a decision. I can see it in your eyes.

- I am, Dawn. And it's not easy for me at all. I hate that now there is no Iceman to make the right decision because I don't trust mine, and I'm forced to.

-Fuck, you're sending me on a mission.- she spoke and stood up. She wiped her tears and covered her face with her palms.

- I'm sorry, Dawn. Love, it was only right. She would fly with Maverick.

Dayton left the conference room and hurried to her office. She immediately locked herself up and began to sob quietly. Her body was shaking as if in the wind. She knew Cyclone was right, sending her on a mission was only right. She tried to calm down so she could go home. She left the house in a mess while getting ready and went to Cyclone in the middle of getting ready.

She went to her car and headed home. As soon as she came to the front of the house, she sat down on the porch steps. She didn't have the strength to move.

- Hey, kiddo. Are you alright? - Captain Maverick asked her.

Dayton wipes away his tears and nods his head through a fake smile.

- You lie badly. You can see you are Shark's baby girl. - he says and sits down next to her.

Dayton smiled. Tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

- What worries you? Flying again, the whole mission or because you are leaving a loved one?

- Maverick, how...

- I know about you two. Cyclone just treats you more gently than usual.

- I'm worried about how I'll go on the mission. I haven't flown since Wreck's death.

- We'll do it together. Don't think, just do. - said Maverick, stood up and patted her on the shoulder.


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