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Cyclone was still in the waiting room waiting for news of his Dawn. Warlock didn't leave his side the whole time and Warlock's wife came to support him. Everyone else had left because the operation had lasted all day and they were already deep into the night in uncertainty about Dayton's condition.

- I don't remember if I've ever seen this side of you, Beau. You really love her. - said Athena, Warlock's wife.

Cyclone shifted in his chair and smiled gently. He recalled the moment when Dayton grabbed his chin and kissed him in front of the house after their first date.

- I really love her. I just fucked up because I sent her on a mission. On the deck before her take off I kissed her in front of everyone.

He rubbed his face and leaned back in the chair and threw his head back.

-Now I can also expect a disciplinary procedure because as an Admiral I got involved with a NATO advisor.- Cyclone added.

- It will be solved. I'm really sorry that I will see her in this situation instead of you introducing us to her while holding hands. - Athena told him and took his palm.

At that moment, Dr. Tyler entered the waiting room. Cyclone immediately jumped to his feet and rushed to his friend.

- Simpson, she survived the operation. But she fell into a coma while being transported by helicopter. Also, NATO has sent a request for Dayton to be placed in our VIP department and you will have access to her. - Dr. told him
in a friendly tone.

- I understand. What is her condition now? - Cyclone asked.

- The forecast is restrained. It's all up to her now, Simpson. She has to fight herself to recover.

Dr. Tyler greeted them all and left the waiting room. Cyclone sat back in the chair and propped his head with his hand. He closed his eyes for a moment.

- Hey, Beau? Cyclone?- Warlock spoke softly as he gently tried to wake up Cyclone.

Cyclone stirred and opened his eyes. He looked at Warlock first and then around him. When he realized that this was not a dream, tears started streaming down his face. He instantly hid his face in his hands and sobbed softly.

- You fell asleep. You slept for a good 5 hours straight. Dayton is placed in a room, you can go to her. I know, my friend.

-Thank you. I will go to her. - Cyclone answered and stood up. He paused as he walked down the corridor towards the VIP section of the hospital. Through the window, he saw it was beginning to dawn and he watched the sun rise on the horizon. He just smiled and continued down the hall until he reached the security guard at the entrance to Dayton's room. When he entered the room, he saw Dayton in a plaster cast connected to every possible device that medicine had.

-My love. My only one. Dawn. - he whispered to her and gently took her palm. He kissed the top of her hand.

(This paragraph is meant to be like in the movies. Cyclone is holding Dayton's palm while the others around them are in fast and blurry motion.)

Days passed, weeks passed. The months and the first year since Dayton's accident are behind them. The pilots took turns talking to her. Cyclone didn't expect she was so adored in all the bases she was stationed at. He was always by her side, never leaving her side and never letting go of her palm.

- Love, it's hard for me without you. I have no one to look forward to. I'm sleeping in a hotel near the hospital because I can't go home. You were there and everything smells like you. - Cyclone whispered.

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