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After all the months spent awake in the hospital, Dayton finally got a day full of tests that will give the answer as to whether she is ready to go home. From early in the morning, they drove her around the hospital for tests, and Dayton nervously waited for Dr. Tyler.

-Dayton, how are you feeling?- Doctor Tyler asked.

-Nervously. I want to go home.

-I believe you. Dayton I have a lot of good news bad news.- Dr. Tyler stopped at the end of the sentence.

- Ok. Give me the good news first. They can certainly beat this bad one.

- The good news is that you have fully recovered. Physical therapy is progressing and changes in the muscle structure are visible.

- Excellent. And the bad news?

- You are going home today. We will miss you.

Dayton screamed with excitement and squirmed on the bed in all her joy.

-And for this...oh, Tyler, fuck you.- replied Dayton with a laugh and Tyler burst out laughing as well.

-Tell your loved one to pick you up and take care of you.

- Thank you, doctor. For everything you've done. Thank you very much.

Dr. Tyler put his hand on his heart and bowed to her with a smile. They said goodbye one more time before Dayton told Cyclone that she had been released from the hospital. Of course he was at the hospital in the blink of an eye and packed everything from Dayton's room and all the stuffed animals she got. Dayton watched him from the bed.

-Do you like what you see or what?- he asked her with his back turned to her.

- I can measure that ass. You're handsome in that bomber jacket, Beau.

- It's years old. Back when I was flying. I haven't even worn it since then. - he told her and sat on the edge of the bed.

- Do you think I can do this? Fighting back from having a panic attack every time I smell the ocean air.

- Dawn, I'm here. I am here for you and we will fight together. Also, because of this, I had a slightly larger hut inside the base arranged. It's further from the ocean and I moved there. I will take care of you there.

- Beau? Is this...are you really asking me to live together? - Dayton asked confused.

- Well, actually... yes. Yeah. Do you want us to live together?

- I would never refuse, Beau.

- Dayton, I love you.

-I love you too. To the blue sky and back on foot.

A nurse brought in a wheelchair and helped Cyclone place Dayton in it. He picked up the bags with things from Dayton and headed for the exit.

-Before we go out, there's a surprise waiting for you outside.- Cyclone whispered in Dayton's ear.

As soon as they left the hospital, they were met by members of the Daggers with several other pilots and Maverick saluting Dayton in their formal blue suits. Dayton couldn't help but cry.

-For me? Are they saluting me? Well, I'm just an advisor. - Dayton said quietly.

- They don't see it that way, love.

- May God bless you all. He has already blessed me.

Cyclone's palm was on her shoulder and Dayton rested his palm on top of his.

All the pilots approached Dayton and hugged her gently. There was no end to Dayton's joy.

- Dear, can we go home? I'm cold. - said Dayton.

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