Bianca was still in disbelief.

"Oh, and he raped me." Tae added again.

That's when Bianca's jaw really dropped.

"He raped you?" she held her hand up to her mouth.

"We not talking about the same Ja'quan because he would never." Bianca got up.

As far as she knew, Ja'quan would never do that to anyone let alone Tae.

"Well, he did. He beat, shot, and raped me." Tae excused herself from the room.

"He raped her?" Bianca looked at Tim.

He looked in the other direction.

"He's sick." Bianca said, "He's fucking sick." she said again.

She grabbed Tj's diaper bag and told him to come on.

"Tell Tae I'm sorry. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Say bye to daddy Tj."

Tj ran up to Tim and hugged him.

He did look just like a miniature version of Tim.

It was now dark outside.

Their conversation about the group drug on for hours.

Tae was tired and annoyed.

She was already sad due to Tim going missing for the whole night, then she finds out the next day he has a kid.

That was a lot for her.

Tim made sure to lock the doors before going to bother Tae.

She was lying in bed with her phone up to her ear.

It was clear to Tim that she was listening to her music.

He flopped down in bed next to her, putting his hands behind his head.

"What a day." a deep breath flew from his lips.

Tae took a glance over at him "Yea what a day."

Tim asked her what was wrong, but she told him she was fine.

"It's just, a stepmom, really Tim?" Tae sat up and sat her phone next to her on the bed.

"Who said? You thought I was playing? We not together." he shook his head.

He was still upset about the thing with Ja'quan.

"I was just saying." Tae picked up a pillow and hit Tim.

That led to them play fighting, which led them to having sex.

Tae lowkey hated they were still having sex with no relationship, it reminded her of Ja'quan.

It was fun and sex until he become obsessed with Tae.

"I swear the sex get better every time." Tae laid back on the bed.

Tim laid next to her "Trynna say my shit wasn't good before?" he turned his head to say.

"No, it's just better." Tae laughed.


Tim got a text from Bianca that read "goodnight😘" with a picture of her and Tj.

"Who that?" Tae asked once she heard the ding.

"Nobody important." he lied.

He plugged his phone into the charger then put it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"I do have something to tell you though." his face went from playful to serious.

Tae started to get concerned.

Whatever Tim was about to tell her was about to set her off and she knew it.

"The reason I was with Bianca all night is because we had sex and I felt guilty coming home to you." Tim got everything off his chest.

Tae's face sunk, but she didn't say anything.

She climbed out of bed and began taking her things out of his drawer.

"What you doing?" Tim got up to stop her.

"Didn't I say if this happen again, I'm done?" Tae went to the kitchen to grab a few trash bags.

"I thought you was playing." Tim followed her.

Tae went back into the room to finish packing.

She had nowhere to go but she did have a car.

It couldn't be that hard to find a hotel to stay at for a night while she figured things out.

Tim took her car keys which prevented her from leaving for a while.

But after everything, Tae still left.


I'm ending it here for now. Don't worry there will be a part two just let me know some ideas for it 😉

𝐆𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now