Chapter 58: Happiness

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"Hiding from my family already?" I was startled by a roug male voice that came from behind me

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"Hiding from my family already?" I was startled by a roug male voice that came from behind me.

"Oh God." My hand flew to my chest.

"Sorry." Killian laughed and walked over to me. "Can I sit down?" He pointed to the seat next to me.

"You know this is your house, right?" I moved to give him more room on the steps that led to his garden, which was mostly covered by night.

"Right." He sat down next to me. "So? Are you hiding from my family? Are they too loud?"

"No, that's..." I looked behind us at the villa, from which laughter and loud conversations could be heard. "I'm used to that. I have five best..." I stopped myself, my smile falling. "My friends are the same. I just needed some air. What's your excuse?"

"They're too loud." He shrugged but couldn't hide his smile. "And I also wanted to thank you without anyone looking over my shoulder."

"For what?" I frowned.

As far as I know, since I've been here, I haven't done anything to deserve his gratitude.

After I met Finn's brothers, Odin and Lucy, I met two more people, Theo and Luna. Everyone was incredibly nice. Later, Finn gave me a small tour and then we all sat down in the living room, where I left a while ago.

"You saved my brother." The corner of his mouth lifted and I had no words to describe what his eyes were saying. "When he went to Portland, I thought we lost him, but somehow you brought him back to us."

"Well, he saved me too, so we're even."

"No, Lexi, we'll never be even." He shook his head. "I owe you the whole fucking world for what you did for my family."

"Oh, I'm sure..."

"Just accept my thanks." He cut me off. "This and a thousand more."

He's exaggerating, obviously, but he looks like he means it.

"If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to contact me. Anything."

"I don't want anything for loving your brother." I put my hand on his, which was on his knee. "It's quite enough for me to have him in my life, I don't need anything else."

He smiled. "Finn is lucky to have you."

"And he's lucky to have a family that cares about him."

Someone coughed behind us and we both turned. "Am I interrupting some secret meeting?" Finn narrowed his eyes and walked over to us.

"Oh yeah, Killian was just telling me your embarrassing stories." I pulled my hand back to me.

"Ha! And now I know you're lying. I don't have any embarrassing stories."

"Three weeks after your twentieth birthday," Killian said something that didn't make much sense to me, but to Finn it obviously did, as he looked terrified.

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