Chapter 56: Weirdo

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Ever since my mom began to remember everything gradually, I spent more time in the hospital than at home

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Ever since my mom began to remember everything gradually, I spent more time in the hospital than at home. More than once she told me to let her breathe, and even though she meant it as a joke, she was right.

But she doesn't understand that I've been waiting for these moments for three years. She perceives all that time completely differently, so she will never understand what it was like to see her every week, but not be able to talk to her like a mother and a daughter.

I tried to acquaint her with everything that happened, but there was more than I thought. Especially when sometimes happens that she can't remember something again.

Over the past four weeks, things have started to take a turn for the better.

Dad has started going to meetings for alcoholics, at least once a week, and I think they are really helping him. I hope he can keep it up, although my head sometimes reminds me that it's not that easy to quit something and that there's always a chance he'll go back to it again.

I mentioned to him the condition of Mom, but he did not even try to establish any contact with her. Either he feels guilty or he just doesn't care. Either way, there's no way my mother is going back to the house where I grew up. But that's a problem for the future.

Luca and Zack are one hundred percent, officially, together. We visited them at Zack's apartment only a few days ago and Luca has never looked happier. I was glad he finally found someone. Someone who genuinely cares about him.

Lincoln dropped out of school, which his parents accepted better than I thought they would. He mentioned something about traveling, but he doesn't want to go alone, so he's looking for a partner. Unfortunately, Penny can't join him due to her own studies, but she supports him, and that's more than anyone can ask for.

And the twins? Next month, they are flying somewhere in Europe together, for a few weeks. Although Adrian suggested that Destiny could go too, that he wouldn't mind, Stefan wanted to get closer to his brother.

Oh and Adrian's unknown woman? Coincidentally, she just moved to the city and found a job where other than the bar where Adrian works. His heart almost jumped out of his chest when he saw her standing behind the counter when he arrived at work. Looks like he didn't even need Theo's help after all.

But I do wonder where their relationship will go, especially when she can't stand him for some reason. I feel like that's what Adrian likes most about her.

And me and Finn are doing pretty good too. Since I told him that I don't want to move anywhere now, he spends most nights at my house. He doesn't seem to mind, though. Sunny likes it here too, he found the best and most comfortable place by the window where the sun shines directly on him, so he spends most of his days there.

Finn picks me up from work every night, even though I never asked him to. We spend so much time together that it's strange that we can still stand each other. But it's nice to have someone like that. Someone you can be with for days, but still miss them the few hours you don't see each other.

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