Chapter 52: Water

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It was like everything around me was falling apart

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It was like everything around me was falling apart. The air was ripped from my lungs despite the fact that I was trying to breathe.

It was like I was drowning, but the water flowing around me had nothing to do with it. I mean, I think it didn't.

I didn't cut myself, I just sat under the stream of cold water, hoping that everything would wash off me. I'm naive, you don't have to tell me that, but it was worth a try.

After a while, the cold water became warmer, even though my whole body was shaking and I couldn't feel my toes or hands. I could hear my heart pumping blood through my body more and more slowly.

Then the time stopped.

I raised my head, which was resting on my knees, and turned it to the side. My vision was blurred for a moment, but I noticed a tall figure approaching me.

I blinked a few times trying to focus my vision, and when I finally did, a familiar face stood in front of me.

"Jeremy?" I whispered.

He bent down to me on the ground, a smile on his face. "Hey, babe." He ran his hand over my face, his touch warm against the water running down my back.

"Is this a dream?"

"What do you think?" He laughed. "But I'm flattered that you dream about me."

"You're gone." My own words hurt me, but we all know that I hurt myself in other ways.

"And I'm sorry I left you here." He looked at me sadly. "This is because of me, isn't it?" He looked down my body, stopping at my wrists.

"I wanted to be strong, but..." I slowly shook my head. "I wasn't strong enough."

"Oh, but you're wrong, babe." He cupped my face in both hands. "You're the strongest person I've ever met. Everyone has weak moments, but that doesn't mean you're weak. Look at you," he smiled, "everything you've been through and you've still fought."


"But for what? What's the point?" I kept looking between his two-colored eyes. "Why am I fighting when I lost..."

"Not me." He jumped into my speech. "I'll always be here." He took his hand off my cheek and placed it on my chest where my heart is.

"But you're not even really here." Because this is just my fantasy. Jeremy is dead.

"If it makes you feel better, neither are you."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Come on Lexi, you're a smart girl. You can't just see and talk to dead people. Not even in your dreams. Look around." His touch left my skin and he threw his arms around us. "Your clothes are dry, are you still cold?"

I lowered my gaze to my body and found that he was indeed right, my clothes were completely dry.

"What's going on?" I frowned and looked up at the shower head, which was running water, but I couldn't feel it on my body.

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