Chapter 36: Relationships

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I don't even know when I fell asleep

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I don't even know when I fell asleep. One moment I was reading a book and the next I was out cold.

Everything was a bit of a blur when I woke up, but I swear I saw Finn put my book down.

"Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well?"

"What time is it?" I stretched my arms and legs, stiff from sleeping on the hard ground. "Are they back yet?"

"No, but they called to say they were on their way back."

"Okay." I yawned and curled into a ball on my left side.

"Don't tell me you're going back to sleep."

"Shh." I closed my eyes.

"No, not again."

"Finn!" I screamed as he lifted me into his arms. "What are you doing? No Finn, don't you dare." I tried to jump from his hands but in vain. "Finn, Finn, Finn," I repeated his name as he walked towards the water. "Please don't throw me in there." I gripped his neck tightly.

"All right." He stopped just short of the shore. "On one condition."

"Anything," I said without hesitation.

"You will sleep in my tent today."

"Okay, fine, no problem, just let me go." He smiled devilishly. "On the ground, Acker, don't you dare let me go into the water," I said threateningly.

"You look adorable when you're bossy." He smiled. "Like a chihuahua."

"Down, Finn," I would trust him with my life, but not right now.

"Or." He raised an eyebrow and I thought he was going to throw me in as his hands started to move. To my surprise, he just turned me in his arms so that we were chest to chest and I could wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "This is better."

Of course, it was better because he couldn't just throw me into the water like that, but it was worse in a different way.

All day, since we kissed, I can't think of anything but him. And that is dangerous. Because right now, as I feel his firm bare chest beneath me, I only want to do one thing.

I haven't slept with anyone in a long time, almost two years now, but with Finn it would be too soon, wouldn't it? We are not at that stage yet.

But his eyes say something completely different.

I tried not to think about it, I really tried, but it wasn't that easy. All I wanted at this moment was for him to bend me against the nearest tree.

My God, what is becoming of me?

Those books. It's their fault.

"Lexi." I really didn't need to hear my name from his lips right now.

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