Chapter 26: Busy morning

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I had so many questions but no answers

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I had so many questions but no answers.

I could see that Lexi was devastated and exhausted, so I didn't ask her anything, I was just there for her.

It seemed like forever that she was crying and it hurt that I had no way to help her. I held her, but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to take all her pain on myself because she didn't deserve it. Certainly not her.

Amidst all the tears and sobbing, she fell asleep. Of course, I let her. I even scooched over and put a pillow on my legs so she could lie down properly. I didn't care what pain I was in, her pain was the priority.

I couldn't sleep all night. Questions flew before my eyes the moment I closed them.

Why is she still living with him? Why does she allow him to be in her life? Why didn't she leave him long ago?

I came up with two possible reasons as to why she hadn't left him yet.

The first thing is money. Maybe she doesn't have enough money to buy her own place and pay for her mother's medical bill, which she has to pay to be treated there. And if that's the problem, then I'm the solution. I'll give her any amount she wants if it means she gets away from that bastard she calls father.

And the other, worse, thing is that she can't leave because she's just a good person. And despite what he has done and is still doing, he is her father. And in that case, I can't help her. I have no power over it.

I knew I didn't like him at first sight. I knew something was wrong. I wish I had met Lexi sooner and could have helped her in some way before her mother got to the hospital.

Or even earlier.

My gaze drifted to her wrists throughout the night. The two scars on her left arm were the deepest. There were several small ones around them and she had many of them on her right arm as well. They were mostly together, she didn't have them all over her arm, but only on a small part of her wrist.

They are easier to hide. I thought.

I knew I didn't know her then, but I wished I could have been there for her. I wished I could have done something to prevent it. But that is not in my power.

When she started talking today, she said she'd never told anyone before, and it made me wonder what Jeremy and the others knew about her. And if they don't know about it, why did she tell me and not them?

When I told her about my past and everything else, I didn't expect her to start talking.

That's when I realized that Lexi has more masks than I do. But still, after all she's been through, she's a good person. I don't think I'll ever understand. The world threw all the shit it could at her and she still stands.

She's broken, but at the same time, she's the strongest person I've ever met.

I knew I had to make her life at least a little easier, and I knew exactly how. She'll have one less thing to worry about and I'll make sure she doesn't have a scar on her body from now on.

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