Chapter 4: Hockey

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I couldn't get that waitress out of my head

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I couldn't get that waitress out of my head.

I tried so hard to forget her face. Her eyes. Her sweet voice.

That's how it should be. Mainly because she has a boyfriend.

A boyfriend who looked like he could destroy me with one blow.

While I was walking back to the apartment, I was pulled out of my thoughts by the ringing of my cell phone. It's one thing to ignore messages from brothers, but when your little sister calls? You pick up.

"Red or blue?" It came from the other side before I could even say hello.

"Ummm." I thought about my answer and then remembered the blue head that lives next to me. "Red. One hundred percent red." I continued on my way. "Everything okay Val?"

"Yeah, Ryan and I are going out with some of his friends and I needed a dress. But I feel like blue would be better. Less bold. Yeah, I'll take blue, no offense." I heard in the background how she walked over somewhere.

"Really?" I couldn't help but smile. "Is that why you're calling me?"

"Sure. I also wanted to see how my little brother is doing in the world. How is Portland?"

"Strange." I frowned. "Mostly people."

"Oh, so have you met anyone yet? Any friends?"

I really didn't want to disappoint her so I did what I do best. I lied. "Yeah, a guy lives across the hall from me. We watch hockey together." I turned to the building where my apartment is located and unlocked the door. I entered the elevator and pressed the top floor.

"Hockey? You hate hockey."

"Trying new things. New city, new me." I shrugged and walked out of the elevator.

"Oh so since you're such friends, would you mind giving me his number?" Shit.

"Um, Val, I don't know if it's..." As if on purpose, Zack and his blue head came out of the door.

"Please, I want to make sure of something."

I looked at Zack who was looking at me confused. Fuck it.

"Give me a second," I said walking up to Zack which obviously surprised him. "I need a favor."

"I thought you didn't need help." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Remember? Then you almost hit me with the door. This face." He pointed at his face in a circular motion.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? Bad mood. Now please." I handed him my cell phone.

"What? Pissed-off girlfriend?" He nodded his head at my phone.


He hesitated, looking between the phone and my face. "You owe me." He pointed his finger at me and took the phone from my hand. "Zack on the phone, how can I help you?" He said with humor.

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