3: A l l M y F r i e n d s A r e F a k e

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'Cause all my friends are fake, fake, fake, fake
They just want me for the day, day until they don't


"Amerie we can't be friends" Nessa sassed Amerie.

"Oh okay?" Amerie asked confused.

"I'm sorry, you've just changed, you're different, acting weird and I just can't accept that" Nessa laughed.

"Okay thankyou" Amerie said.

Nessa walked off leaving Amerie on her own in the cafeteria. Could this day be any worse?

Amerie didn't know how to react, should she be upset? Should she be angry? But no she felt almost relieved, but she also felt the lingering of loneliness, one thing Amerie hated was being lonely, sure she liked to be alone sometimes, but she always knew there was people there for her. Now she had lost a friend, she had no friends in school. Sure she spoke to some people, but the only person she really hung out with was Nessa.

Amerie looked around she spotted Nessa sitting with Becca, Jess and Kass. Of course some of the most snobbiest girls in school, no wonder Nessa doesn't want to be friends anymore.

Amerie sighed packing her bag up, she needed to get out of here fast. The teen exited the cafeteria to venture to The Hub.

She pushed open the cafeteria doors, the sound was relieving the corridors were quiet, except for the noise of people's lockers slamming shut. That made Amerie's mind bubble, she felt overwhelmed.

She rushed into The Hub, and ran to the sensory room. Sitting on one of the beanbags and staring at the tube of plastic fish in glowing water that changed colours.
She didn't really understand the reasoning behind this device, but it soothed her, calmed her.

The door creaked open, Amerie was too focused she had her noise cancelling headphones on, she needed to listen to her Mom's voice, playing her music was really the only way.

You're On Your Own Kid sang gently through her headphones, she didn't even notice that Miss Green was sat next to her.
She jumped when she felt the presence of someone else.

"Sorry Amerie I didn't want to disturb you, is everything okay you're never in this room" Miss Green asked the teenager.

"Yeah I'm okay, just felt a bit overwhelmed" Amerie sighed.

"Alright come on sing" Miss Green smiled.

"I'm not really in the mood to sing" Amerie sighed.

"Amerie, it's helps you calm down when you're overwhelmed, singing, making music, let's just give it a try" Miss Green suggested.

"I just want to go home" Amerie mumbled.

"Talk to me, what's going on your not normally like this" Miss Green said with a concerned tone.

"Just want to go home, I need to go home" Amerie rambled fidgeting with her fingers.

"Okay, I get that but I can't just send you home especially if you're not telling me anything" Miss Green sighed.

Amerie placed her headphones back on and curled into a ball on the beanbag shutting her eyes and focusing on the music that was playing from her headphones, her Mom's music.

"Okay Amerie, I'll leave you for some alone time but I'll come check on you soon, we can do your next class in here if you want" Miss Green said smiling at the teenager and leaving her to her own.

                  ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

"This is Miss Green, Amerie's music and support teacher, I'm just calling you Miss Swift, just to inform you that I'm concerned about Amerie, she's spent a while in the sensory room refusing to do her work, or talk to me, she says she wants to go home, sorry if your busy but I think it's best if you maybe come and collect her" Miss Green spoke down the phone to Amerie's Mom.

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