1: W h y A m I L i k e T h i s ?

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So, why am I like this?
Why am I like this?
Why am I like this?
Why am I...


Amerie and Taylor had left the psychologists office, another dreaded appointment of a woman she has known since 7 telling her she is different.

"Amerie this is serious! A potential Burnout! Me and your psychologist are worried" Taylor sighed as held her head in her hands walking out of the office block.

"Mom seriously I'm fine!" Amerie protested.

"No Amerie, you're not fine. You're pushing yourself too much, you're masking every single day." Taylor informed the teenager.

"Mom I've got it under control" Amerie sighed as she got into the black SUV.

"Hi Ladies" Their driver called out.

"To home please" Taylor sighed.

"Of course Miss Swift" The driver replied.

Amerie placed her noise cancelling headphones onto her head and wondered back into her state of quietness. This was her shutdown time, no one could disturb her.. except her thoughts that rushed through her head 24/7. The teen was certain that her brain was only there to torture her, she was only 7 when she was diagnosed with autism. That diagnosis changed her, she had to accept who she was, yet she still hated that fact she was different, she wanted to fit in, be like the other people her age. She didn't know if it was the autism or the fact her Mom is famous pop star that made it hard for her to be a 'normal' teenager. Amerie was proud of her Mom, but hated the spotlight, yet she learned to mask, hide her feelings and most importantly who she was.

Her noise cancelling headphones played her music, of course Why Am I Like This? Had to start playing, she skipped the song.

Mirrorball.. her Mom's song. Amerie sighed as she turned off the music. Why does every song that has to come on relate to Amerie in some way.

Taylor placed her hand on Amerie's shoulder, giving her a reassuring, comforting touch. Amerie shrugged her Mom off, she didn't want to be disturbed.

"Amerie I know this is hard, but you need to make an effort. I get it things are stressful, but please try to unmask, for me?" Taylor spoke calmly, getting a highly masking teenage girl to unmask was a struggle, but the single Mom was prepared for anything.

                    ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

Amerie retreated back to her bedroom, the endless pit where she spent her days alone wallowing in a state of quietness.

"Amerie!" Taylor stopped the teen before she could make it to her bedroom.

Amerie let out a sigh and walked to her Mom.

"I was thinking we could have a girls night, invite over your aunt Selena and maybe your aunt Blake they are both in Nashville this week, we could do face masks, paint our nails, watch movies, order take out" Taylor smiled as she suggested her idea.

"I guess" Amerie shrugged, really she wasn't in the mood to hang out with her Mom or aunts. She'd much rather be alone.

The teen was a pathological people pleaser, she said yes to anything just to please others. Sure her Mom probably wouldn't be bothered if the teen said no, but last time she refused something was at school and the teen was placed on detention for refusing to write the correct assignment in class.

"Ri-Ri, it's okay if you don't want to have a girls night" Taylor said pulling the teenager into a hug.

"I do want to, I just have homework to do"  Amerie sighed.

"Okay sweetie, I'll call the girls see if they're available and get everything ready, you go do your homework if you need any help just ask me" Taylor said smiling at her daughter.

"Will do!" Amerie called out leaving to her bedroom.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

Amerie sat at her desk tapping her pen, she hadn't made much progress with her homework. She had heaps of assignments to trudge through, it felt like it was consuming her entire laptop. Her emails were flooded with assignments and reminders to finish her work. The teen procrastinated so much that she had gave up on almost everything.

Meanwhile, Taylor was setting up face masks, nail kits and snacks for girls night.
The door bell rang and she shot up instantly rushing over to let the two women in.

"Amerie! Selena and Blake are here!" Taylor called out.

"We brought the goods!" Selena said holding up a bottle of vodka.

"Selena! Amerie will be joining us!" Taylor said rolling her eyes and the cheery woman.

"Well she doesn't have to drink it does she! This is for us ladies!!" Selena said handing the bottle to Taylor and walking into the New York apartment.

"Sure.." Taylor sighed.

"You seem off" Blake nudged Taylor slightly.

"I'm fine it's just Amerie... I'm worried about her, her psychologist is concerned she might be heading towards autistic burnout" Taylor sighed.

"I'm sure whatever it is, you both will get through it, you two are the strongest people I've ever known. Now let's go enjoy this girls night!" Blake said to Taylor giving her some reassurance.

"Yeah! AMERIE!" Taylor called out.

"Gosh I'm here!" Amerie sighed walking into the living room.


"Quieten down will you" Amerie mumbled receiving a look of concern from her Mom.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

The 4 girls had just finished watching Hannah Montana the Movie, of course Amerie bursted out laughing when she saw her young Mom make an appearance singing Crazier.

"Amerie your 16th is in a few months what are you thinking of doing?" Selena asked the teenager.

"Err I don't know" Amerie shrugged.

"Well it's your sweet 16th it has to be special, a bit party lots of guests" Selena said with excitement

"Yeah.." The teen sighed.

"What do you want to do for your 16th?" Taylor asked.

"It's in a few months I have time to decide right?" Amerie asked.

"Of course, well it's getting late, I think it's time we pack this away and get ready for bed" Taylor smiled.

"It's 6pm.." Amerie sighed.

"Yes but you have school tomorrow so you need to start your routine before it's too late" Taylor sighed.

Amerie just nodded and headed towards the bathroom to start her routine.

"Thankyou for having us Tay" Blake said as the two women left the Swift household

"Any time" Taylor smiled.

Meanwhile Amerie was sat in her room organising her school bag. She organised her school books by colour inside her backpack.

"Got everything you need" Taylor said walking into Amerie's bedroom and sitting on the edge of the teen's bed.

"Yeah" Amerie smiled.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

Author's Note:

Chapter 1! I hope this story is enjoyable thankyou for any readers x

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