Chapter 35

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After the Flash exited the breach behind the Reverse Flash, he found himself in the sewers.

"What's the endgame here Thawne, I know you and I know that you would have expected us to have Thomas Snow under surveillance. You had to know that we'd come running as soon as we detected you there." Flash said.

"Of course I did. In fact, I planned on it." Reverse Flash said.

"So, were you really interested in Icicle, or were you just trying to set a trap for us?" Flash asked.

"Both. Icicle will be useful for my plans and he was the perfect trap to lure you into." Reverse Flash said with a grin.

"So, what's the play then? Why are we down here?" Flash asked.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet, considering where we are, but to answer your question, an old friend wanted to say hello." Reverse Flash said and he grinned as he watched the Flash fall to his knees as he felt a painful psychic attack.

"Grodd." Flash groaned out through the pain, since he should've seen that coming as the gorilla appeared.

Hello Flash. Been a long time hasn't it. Grodd's voice said in his head.

"Wait, what?" Flash asked as the attack in his head ceased.

"It turns like father, like son. Like me, Grodd remembers the old reality due to just how advanced his mind is, which means he remembers everything about you and what you did to him. How you took away his mind and he has an ax to grind with you." Reverse Flash said with a grin.

"I had no choice. Grodd was attempting to mind control every single person in the city. Though I have to ask, why is he working with you, since if I remember correctly, shouldn't he be smart enough to know not to trust you?" Flash asked as he got to his feet.

"Father promised to help Grodd if Grodd helped him first." Grodd said.

"Indeed I did and I will keep that promise once the Flash and his friends are dead." Reverse Flash said.

"I always knew you didn't have what it takes to fight me one on one. That's why you always need underlings." Flash said.

"And if you really think that your pathetic attempts to play mind games with me will work, you're wrong." Reverse Flash said.

"So you're really okay with the fact that someone else is gonna be the one to kill me, not you?" Flash asked with a smirk.

"Enough of this. Grodd wants the reward you promised him father." Grodd said angrily and that was when Flash noticed that Grodd didn't exactly look thrilled to be doing this. Almost like he regretted it.

"Grodd, what did Thawne promise you? You have to know that whatever it is, he won't deliver." Flash asked him.

"I promised him a home Flash. Gorilla City is here in this new world and in exchange for his help, I promised to allow Grodd to go there and be with his people." Reverse Flash said.

"And also gain control of the City's army of Gorillas. The more things change, the more they stay the same." Flash said, right as a breach opened and Vibe and Celestial jumped out.

"Frost, Elongated Man and Caitlin are dealing with Icicle, who knows where our base is, so obviously that's something we'll need to handle, but there was no way Vibe and I were going to pass up on this and considering who Thawne has with him, I'd say that was a good call." Celestial said, taking Grodd in, since this was actually the first time she'd ever seen the gorilla in person.

"Yeah and it gets better, somehow Grodd's powers allowed him to retain his pre-crisis memories." Flash said.

"This just gets better and better." Vibe said.

"Oh yeah." Flash said, but in the back of his mind, he still couldn't help but feel like he saw the tiniest bit of doubt in Grodd's eyes.

"You really think that you three can beat us? Especially since I saw this coming?" Reverse Flash asked, right the hell totem came flying at them and Celestial barely managed to dodge before she watched it return to Brimstone.

"You." Celestial growled at her archenemy.

"You didn't really think I'd miss another chance to deal with you did you?" Brimstone asked.

"You should've stayed away." Celestial said as she unfurled her wings and flew towards him, though that was a mistake, since she didn't exactly have room to fight with them out down here, but that was fine, she didn't need to fight. She was only using them to speed her charge towards Brimstone before she summoned her heaven blade to clash against his ax.

"Two on two, I think the odds are pretty even now." Vibe said.

"That's cute. Grodd, if you please." Reverse Flash said as he turned his back on them.

"As you wish father." Grodd said and once again, Flash could hear reluctance in his voice before he used his powers to knock all three of them out while he, Reverse Flash and Brimstone made their exit.

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