Chapter 4

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Iris West was currently trying to find a stopping point in her work so she could go to Caitlin's clinic to see Barry, especially since after the greeting she'd gotten from J'onn J'onzz this morning, she knew that her boyfriend would not become her husband in a very short period of time if he knew what was good for him and wanted to stay in a relationship with her, but she also knew that he was going to become her main story topic, which was good, since while Central City Citizen Media was doing alright at the moment, the moment the Flash made his appearance in Central City, her subscriber rate would skyrocket.

Anyways, thanks to J'onn, Iris now knew that her boyfriend would be waking up from his coma any day now and he'd finally stop hiding the powers that she knew he'd had since he was 15 years old and she was tired of him hiding his powers, though there was one change in this reality that she was thrilled about and it was currently hanging around her neck.

In this reality, Iris had her own totem necklace, though it wasn't a Zambezi totem like the ones Team Flash had seen before, but this one was actually a gift from the heavens. The totem around her neck was the heaven totem, a sacred mystical artifact that allowed whoever used it to harness the power of heaven itself. It worked kind of like Barry's powers, since while he tapped into the speed force to use his powers, the totem got its power by tapping into a cosmic energy field called the Veil, though it was more commonly known as Heaven, though technically, the veil was the wall of magical energy that separated both Heaven and Hell from each other and from Earth, the totem just tapped into the heavenly side of the veil, allowing its user, in this case, Iris, various magical abilities, including the use of actual light magic, also known as angelic magic, mystical energy blasts, the ability to fly by generating angel wings and several other abilities that she hasn't fully unlocked yet, since she was still learning how to fully access the totem's power, though her mom, who she was very glad to find was Cecille in this reality, was doing her best to teach her how to use it.

Anyways, Iris was currently lost in her thoughts when she was pulled out of them by a sound that she recognized from both realities and grinned as she looked up to see Barry standing there, fully awake and looking like he'd never been in a coma.

"Barry." Iris said with a smile as she got up from her desk and rushed into his arms and kissed him.

"Guess I found a way to survive Crisis after all." Barry said with a smile.

"I guess so. But what are you doing here?" Iris asked.

"Well, when you didn't show up at Caitlin's clinic, she gave me the greenlight to come here." Barry said.

"Yeah sorry about that, but I was caught in my work and I couldn't find a stopping point." Iris said.

"Really, what's so important?" Barry asked as he looked over at the stack of papers on Iris's desk.

"You know what. It's the same thing I've been chasing after since I started this place." Iris said.

"Your former CO." Barry said, since he knew that just like how he'd been obsessed with catching his mother's killer in both realities, Iris had a similar obsession with her former commanding officer from her time in the Navy, Commander Cyrus McAdams, since while Iris had been enlisted, she believed that McAdam's had sent her old squadron, the wildpack, into an ambush just because he was racist and she'd been searching for proof of that ever since, but hadn't had much luck yet, even though it had been about 2 years.

"I know there's a trail that'll prove that son of a bitch is guilty, I just need to find it." Iris said.

"And you will, especially since now you have Team Flash to help you, not just me and your dad anymore. But, I think you need a break. Especially since there's something I was going to do before I got struck by lightning and I don't want to put it off for too long." Barry said.

"And what is that?" Iris asked, though she had an idea as Barry got down on one knee and produced a ring.

"Iris Anne West, will you marry me, again?" Barry asked and Iris couldn't help laughing at that.

"Yes I will, but hopefully, this time our wedding will go according to plan." Iris said as she allowed Barry to place the engagement ring on her finger before getting up and kissing him.

"I'll talk to Cisco and see if he can whip up something that'll keep anyone from any other earths that might exist in this new multiverse from crossing over during our wedding." Barry said and Iris nodded.

"Well then, let's celebrate us getting engaged again." Iris said and Barry nodded as she went to go shut down her computer and put her files away before allowing him to lead her out of the office.

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