Chapter 7

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It had been about a week since everyone woke up in this new reality and they'd had time to adjust. Now the team were preparing to go to Joe's house for a party to celebrate Barry and Iris's engagement, since they'd had time to establish covers about why Team Flash was already so close.

During that time, Barry had met Frost's new separate form, who had the name Crystal Snow, who, similar to how Frost had been during her brief time at the helm in the old reality, was an artist, not a scientist like Caitlin, but Crystal was one of the richest and most famous artists in the city and she was dating a scientist named Mark Blaine, who as it turned out was another cryokinetic metahuman like Crystal was, since she still had her powers in this reality, and honestly, from meeting him, Barry could see why Crystal, he was still getting used to calling her that, liked Mark, since he was a lot like her, even including a juvie record. He could tell that Frost had always had a thing for the bad boys.

Anyways, Barry was also very happy to find out that Ronnie was still alive and had no powers, probably because according to Caitlin, Stein had not been in Central City when the particle accelerator exploded. Barry found out that Caitlin and Ronnie were still engaged in this reality and this time Barry planned on making sure that they got the chance to live a long, happy life, though Barry did tell Caitlin that if she wanted things to work out between them, she'd have to bring him back into this life, something she knew, but wasn't exactly in a rush to do.

Barry also met her and Ronnie's adopted daughter Kayla Snow and she was so adorable, Barry immediately understood why Caitlin had chosen to run her clinic instead of going to work for Mercury labs, since after Caitlin told him about the condition Kayla had been in when she'd found her, Barry knew she'd done the right thing and was very happy that Kayla's birth parents were now in prison where they belonged. He was also very surprised by Kayla's power, which was that she could create very realistic and almost lifelike illusions. Something that Caitlin was very happy with, though it did mean that she and Ronnie needed to keep a close eye on Kayla, since that power literally meant Kayla could bring anything she imagined to life. Luckily she was still young and innocent enough that it was only harmless things. Caitlin was honestly expecting to walk into Kayla's room and find her daughter riding a unicorn, though hopefully one that was as nice as the children's books said they were and not one that was as evil as the Legends told them they were.

Barry felt that raising a daughter like Kayla was exactly the kind of happy life Caitlin deserved, since honestly, it felt like in the old reality she'd done nothing but lose in some way, now it felt like she was finally getting a win. Something Barry intended to make sure stayed that way. He had the advantage over all his enemies now. Including Thawne, that was one he was very proud of, since for once, he could beat Thawne at his own game and be one step ahead of him.

Anyways, Cisco had also used this time to not only finish Barry's new suit, but also remake Crystal's Frost suit and his own Vibe suit, since he'd definitely be needing that again now that he had his powers back. He was also working on a way to make all their suits easy to transport, not just Barry's and he was close. He'd wanted to make a suit for Iris too, but she refused, since apparently her totem would cover that when she needed to.

Speaking of Cisco, it turned out that Caitlin wasn't the only one who'd been given a second chance in the romance department, since he was also reunited with a lost love. The one he'd been the most serious with before Kamila in fact. Gypsy or as she was known in this reality, Cynthia or Cindy Reynolds, who in this reality, hadn't shown any sign of vibe powers yet, but she was still in the law profession as a cop at the CCPD. In fact, she was Joe's new partner at CCPD on their new metahuman task force. But the thing that actually made Barry laugh was that apparently in this universe, Cindy was a secret nerd, since Cisco had met her at a Harry Potter convention of all places, though Cisco had promised not to tell anyone about that, since it kind of ruined her whole tough girl image, though she'd kind of been forced to reveal some of it after she'd agreed to move into Cisco's apartment with him, or as he called it, Nerdvana and she couldn't disagree with that.

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