42- I do

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"Kun gama?" Aunty Maryam inquired as I emerged from the bathroom with Uwani. Uwani had begun my gyaran jiki procedures yesterday, and my body ached from the scrubs and vigorous massages.

"Eh mun gama,"Uwani replied, and I flopped onto my bed, already feeling exhausted.

"Keh You don't have time for this. Your makeup artist will be here in an hour, and you need to get up and braid your hair," Aunty Maryam scolded. Then she turned to Uwani "keh zaki mata kitson ko?"

Today marked the henna party event, and despite my exhaustion, I was eager to spend time with all my girls. Two of my British friends from my time in the UK would be joining us today; they had flown in yesterday. I really wished Sasha could make it to the wedding; after all, he was the one who played matchmaker. If only he knew about all the drama that's unfolded since then, he might have a different opinion about the wedding.

Uwani deftly braided my hair into a protective style while I hosted with her and all my friends and cousins who were around. Once we finished with the hair, the makeup artist began her work.

Meanwhile, the house buzzed with activity as the rest of the girls busied themselves getting ready. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they moved up and down the stairs, searching for accessories, adjusting outfits, and sharing last-minute beauty tips.

"Wowwww izz giving oh,"Bimpe teased playfully as she recorded a video of me during the preparation, making me chuckle from me.

"You look pretty baby," I complimented her, admiring her flawless makeup and lovely pink ensemble. Just then, Lulu entered the room, also adorned in a pink outfit and looking equally glamorous. "Another beautiful Barbie doll," I remarked, prompting laughter from the girls.

"I didn't know there was aseobi or dress codes for henna events," remarked the makeup artist.

"There isn't. I'm not sure why everyone chose pink," I responded, puzzled.

"You'll find out soon enough," Rabia chimed in with a wink.

It was time for me to wear my first outfit so I kicked all the girls out of the room, leaving only me and my glam team. I slipped into my outfit, a stunning white and blue chiffon stoned atampa sewn into a simple yet long, elegant flowy kaftan. The sweetheart neckline accentuated my cleavage, giving it a flattering look. I tied a matching scarf over my head, completing the ensemble. As the stylist put the finishing touches on my outfit, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

As I stepped into the living room, I couldn't contain my nerves as I asked, "How do I look?" The room erupted with cheers and exclamations of awe, Sarah's enthusiastic "OMG stunning!" ringing in my ears. I couldn't help but chuckle shyly at the overwhelming response.

The energy in the room was palpable as my friends surrounded me, showering me with compliments and snapping pictures with their devices. Their excitement and support filled me with a rush of emotions, tears welling up in my eyes. Despite the challenging weeks leading up to this moment, the joy and positivity surrounding me now felt like a warm embrace, soothing the stress and exhaustion that had weighed on me.

"Stop, A'isha," Hannan urged, her own emotions bubbling close to the surface as she tried to hold back tears.

"This girl you're crying already? You'll ruin your makeup please jazz up," Rabia scolded playfully.

Laughing through my tears, I attempted to compose myself, fanning my eyes quickly to prevent any smudges on my carefully applied makeup.

The photographer lady arrived, camera in hand, and began snapping pictures of us as we posed and preened. Each click of the camera captured a moment of anticipation and joy.

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