Chapter 12

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Translation: (Egyptian Arabic to English)
Am'ma - Maternal Aunt

It's been 2 days since I got back to Abuja. The familiar kitchen welcomed me as I joined my mom in preparing miyan taushe and masa for breakfast. Amidst the sizzling sounds and enticing aromas, we delved into planning for Ya Fahd's Kayan zance.

"Am'ma Meena is in Saudi at the moment, and she's going to Dubai after. Maybe we can send her a list of things to buy?" I suggested.

"Haka fa, I didn't even think of that," Mamma replied.

"Akwantina fa? How many?" I inquired.

"Ten. You know your brother; he wants to do everything himself with what he saved and earned for his wedding."

"MashaAllah," I remarked as our discussion continued, and Daddy joined us for breakfast.

After breakfast, I retreated to my room to catch up on messages and rest while I waited for Rabia and Hannan to arrive. Today, we were going to help Hannan set up her shop! Excitement bubbled within us as her dreams were finally taking shape. My phone buzzed with a message from Usman. Interesting.

Usman Danbattiiii:Hey A'isha

Me:Hello Usman, yakake?

Usman Danbattiiii:Alhamdulillah, wallahi. How're you doing?

Me:Alhamdulillah, I'm good, thank you. What's up?

Usman Danbattiiii:Just wanted to check up on you, that's all.

Me:Oh? Thank you so much; I appreciate it.

Usman Danbattiiii:When can I come get my cookies?

Cookies? It's been ages, bro. Why is he bringing it up now? Not wanting to make him feel worse than I already did, I considered baking cookies for him. Ugh, why does he want to see me?!

Me:Tomorrow evening, maybe, in shaa Allah?

Usman Danbattiiii:In shaa Allah. See you then. Take care, love.

Love? Mtsw.

I couldn't help but notice that Muhammad, on the other hand, had gone silent again. His absence left me feeling a little annoyed, but I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the tasks at hand. Rabia texted me to say they were close by, so I got up to start getting dressed. Since we would be stocking up the shop and lifting stuff, I decided to throw on some sweats and put on an abaya. I grabbed my bag and went to wait downstairs.

As the girls arrived to pick me up, we headed to Hannan's shop location in Gwarimpa. The car buzzed with anticipation for the day's tasks. While in the car, Hannan shared her plans for tomorrow. "You know, I need you guys to help me set up my house tomorrow too fa. I want some welcome decorations; my husband is coming back after almost two months away"

"Omg babe! I'm so happy for you" I squealed excitedly squeezing her shoulder from the back seat.

"That's so sweet! Of course, we'll help you." Rabia comfirmed.

"Wahala for who no get husband" I teased.

"Wahala for you" the girls said simultaneously making us burst into giggles.

Hannan grinned appreciatively, and the conversation shifted to the details of the shop setup. The camaraderie among us was heartwarming as we discussed plans and ideas for both the shop and Hannan's homecoming celebration.

Entering the shop was like stepping into a world of elegance and charm. The floor-to-ceiling windows flooded the space with natural light, revealing the exquisite gold racks that would showcase the stunning abayas. Black and white furniture adorned the area, creating a sophisticated atmosphere with an Arabian touch. The classy interior was accentuated by the presence of plants in white clay vases, adding a touch of life to the space. The wide expanse of the store held a promise of endless possibilities.

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