Chapter 14

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The past few days have been a whirlwind of activities. From teaching at the Islamiyya on Sunday to meeting with my client on Monday and Wednesday for the ongoing project. Work had kept me busy, especially as I was preparing to coordinate a training session for the staff in customer relations later in the week.

Monday also marked the day Am'ma Meena came over and brought all the stuff she bought for the lefe. We spent time filling the boxes for Ya Fahd's fiancée. The rest of the week involved buying and packing, getting ready for the upcoming event. Conversations with Muhammad were sporadic, while my chats with Usman became more regular. I even invited Usman to Hannan's store opening, and he agreed to attend.

Today is Thursday, and we're at Hannan's shop, checking on the setup for her opening tomorrow. After, the girls and I head to Rabia's house for dinner.

As we settled around Rabia's cozy living room, the soft glow of string lights creating a warm ambiance, the conversation shifted to a more exciting topic – Rabia's upcoming wedding plans.

"How's the wedding planning going?" I ask Rabia, eager to hear the details.

Rabia's eyes lit up with excitement, "Oh, it's been fine alhamdulillah, The venue is set, we're using ICC and I'm going to Hudayya for my first consultation for my dinner dress. Then avenga for the other outfits within 2 weeks"

Hannan chimed in, "Tell us about the dress! Is it a princess gown or something sleek and modern?"

Rabia grinned, "I wanted something elegant but not too traditional. It's sha a fitted dress with a tail that's what I'm thinking. we might have to sketch I'm not sure. You guys have to come for the consultation with me as my sisters"

Rabia is an only child but she has always loved company and has always wanted a sibling. We've done almost everything with her since we became best friends, she always includes us in her life. I knew more of Rabia's extended family members than mine even.

"Of course babe" I replied smiling.

As the night unfolded with wedding talks, laughter, and shared memories, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond we shared. Rabia's joy was infectious, and being a part of her wedding planning journey added a new layer to our friendship.

The clock ticked away, and as the evening wrapped up, we left her house with a promise to accompany her to the bridal boutique for the dress consultation.

Friday arrived with an air of anticipation as Hannan's store opening day finally dawned. I woke up early, eager for the day's events to unfold. The morning sun cast a warm glow, promising a day filled with excitement and celebration.

After my morning routine, I dressed up in brown full length Bodycon and paired it with the 'Aisha abaya,' which was one of Hannans pieces named after me. It was a brown open abaya with gold and blue designs on the sleeves and the hem. I decided to do a full makeup look and slipped into blue heels to further elevate my outfit. I bade farewell to Mamma who promised to join us in about an hour when she picked Faiza up from school.

I headed to Hannan's store, where the atmosphere buzzed with the final preparations. The display looked exquisite—Abayas lined up, hijabs neatly arranged, and accessories adding a touch of elegance. Hannan beamed with pride, her dream turning into reality.As the opening ceremony commenced, friends, family, and curious shoppers filled the space.

"Searching for something specific?" I inquired, noticing a woman entering with a hint of curiosity. She appeared a bit unsure in this new environment.

"Not really. I'm not Muslim, but I love these types of dresses," she replied, her smile wide and genuine.

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