32 - The Proposal

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Narrators POV...

Three days after Uncle Sani delivered his report, preparations were underway to meet Aisha's parents. The weight of the impending decision pressed on Muhammad's shoulders as he observed his uncles lining up their cars outside their home. Umma and her brothers were present, offering their support, but Muhammad hadn't disclosed the intricate details to Umma, fearing her potential disappointment.

Conveniently, Aunty Jamila was away at her family home in Katsina, sparing them potential complications. Muhammad wondered how Baba had handled her absence; nevertheless, he seemed convinced that proceeding without her interference was the wiser choice, given that not everyone got along with her.

To say he was anxious would be an understatement. This entire situation felt inherently wrong, but as they say, a mans gotta do what a man's gotta do. He couldn't help but hope that Aisha wouldn't harbor resentment towards him, considering she was inherently good-hearted. Enduring her cold shoulder seemed more bearable than a life entwined with Nadia.

"I know her father, gaskiya kayi sa'an mata Adam," Uncle Sani proclaimed, patting Muhammad on the back with a volume that betrayed his intentions. Well played, Sani, Muhammad acknowledged silently.

"Allah Ko?" Baba interjected, even though he wasn't part of the conversation.

"Wallahi, her father is very calm, well-educated, and religious. Ita Aisha'n ma teaches younger children at the Islamiyya where su Layla go to," he elaborated, referring to his own daughters.

"Ah ah Muhammad, you didn't tell me A'isha teaches at the mosque," Umma interjected, keen on participating.

"I forgot, sorry," Muhammad replied shortly, attempting to downplay the significance.

"That's good, gaskiya, in shaa Allah, you will raise pious children," Umma offered her blessings, met with a collective chorus of ameen.

"Saratu kun taba haduwa ita?" Baba inquired of his sister, Umma.

"A'a, wallahi tukuna. If all goes well, in shaa Allah, I'll meet her soon, Ko?" She redirected her attention to Muhammad, and he managed a half-smile, his thoughts preoccupied with the uncertainty of Aisha's response.

Stress clung to Muhammad as the men departed for Aisha's house. Umar and he sought refuge in his office, attempting to focus on work amid the tumultuous thoughts that accompanied this pivotal moment in their lives.

Aisha sat alone in her room, the weight of the recent events pressing on her shoulders. It had only been a matter of days, and her life had taken an unexpected turn once again. Her mother had approached her just two days ago, delivering the news of a proposal from Muhammad's family. She was presented with a choice—accept or face the possibility of being married to a stranger chosen by her father, someone she wouldn't know.

"We only want the best for you A'isha and remember we won't force you into doing anything you don't want to do, just try to have a good reason behind whatever you choose." Mamma had to her.

Yesterday was spent in a blur of prayers and tears. Aisha grappled with the sudden upheaval of her plans, contemplating the options laid out before her. The idea of marrying a stranger didn't seem entirely dreadful; after all, her connection with Muhammad had been more surface-level, built on fleeting observations rather than deep understanding. What bewildered her most was why he hadn't reached out. She had anticipated a text or call, a conversation to navigate this unexpected twist in their story. Yet, silence enveloped her.

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