21- New Horizons

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Narrators POV
Hang in tight! This is a long one and a good one!

The whirlwind of the past two and a half months had brought both A'isha and Muhammad on a journey filled with moments of excitement and challenges. As the pace of their lives accelerated, they navigated through busy work schedules, wedding planning, and the intricate dance of maintaining a connection.

A'isha's brief trip to Switzerland for work unfolded like a dream. Upon reaching her hotel room, she discovered thoughtful gifts from Muhammad – a bouquet of roses, a generous globus gift card, and a curated list of halal and noteworthy restaurants in Switzerland. The gesture left her overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement. A playful phone call ensued, where she jokingly reminded him of her aversion to cash gifts, but he argued that a gift card was different.

The beauty of Geneva left a lasting impression on A'isha, and she used the opportunity to select gifts for Rabia and Ya Fahd's upcoming wedding. The city felt like a second home, and its allure tugged at her heartstrings.

On the other side, Muhammad embarked on a journey of professional growth. His endeavors in real estate were gaining momentum, and he introduced innovative elements to propel his tech company to new heights. The delicate balance of work commitments began to strain their conversations. Both of them found solace in brief meet-ups on random Sunday evenings with Umar, Farid and Faiza, but the demands of their schedules often left little room for such moments.

As the intricacies of their lives unfolded, A'isha and Muhammad faced the challenge of sustaining their connection amidst the chaos. Each day brought new hurdles, but they navigated the complexities with a shared understanding and a determination to make their journey worthwhile.

In the midst of A'isha and Muhammad's unfolding story, Usman's path took a different turn. Despite the initial hurt and feelings of rejection, Usman found solace in the company of a new girl he was currently seeing. However, the residue of their past interactions lingered, and his ego bore the scars of the encounter with Muhammad.

Within their shared social circle, whispers and rumors swirled about the dynamics between Usman and Muhammad. The air carried traces of an unspoken tension, leaving those around them curious about the untold details of their clash. While Usman appeared to have moved on romantically, the undercurrents of their past encounters continued to ripple through their social connections.

On this sunny afternoon, A'isha finds herself fully engaged in the lively preparations for Rabia's bridal shower at Rabia's house. Alongside Hanan and other friends, they're deep into the planning process, each taking on specific responsibilities to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.

Rabia, being the beloved friend she is, has attracted quite a crowd of well-wishers, and the friends are fervently dedicated to making this bridal shower a truly memorable occasion. A'isha is at the forefront, coordinating the various aspects of the event with precision, while Hanan focuses on the finer details like henna artists and selecting the perfect outfits for Rabia.

The atmosphere is charged with excitement and joy, a testament to the strong bond among the friends. Laughter and shared moments create a sense of warmth, setting the stage for what promises to be a delightful and unforgettable celebration in honor of Rabia's upcoming wedding.


A'ishas POV
In Rabia's bedroom, I find myself caught in the whirlwind of getting ready for the Khaliji Arabian night-themed bridal shower. The room is abuzz with anticipation as we prepare for the celebration. The chosen attire for the evening is a beautiful pink abaya from Hanan's brand, creating a cohesive and enchanting look for all of us.

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