Chapter 11

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Clad in a stunning pink atampa adorned with intricate lace details, the fabric draping gracefully over a straight skirt and blouse, I paired the ensemble with a matching pink chantilly veil. Gold accessories added a touch of elegance, perfectly complementing the ensemble. With pink heels clicking confidently on the hotel floor, and my trusted black YSL "sac de jour" in hand, I examined my reflection in the mirror. A quick dua escaped my lips, a silent plea for strength and success.

The commute to work was filled with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. The vibrant hues of Lagos passed by as I mentally rehearsed my presentation, the rhythmic hum of the city serving as a backdrop to my preparations. The air was charged with the promise of a pivotal day.

"I've packed a pack of tissues incase you want to cry" Femi said to me as we were gathering to the board room.

"Why would I cry?" I asked him.

"Cause you're going to lose"

A confident smirk played on my lips as I retorted, "Save those tissues for yourself, Femi. You might need them when you realize who's truly in charge." The room filled with an air of competitive tension as we prepared for the presentation.

As I observed Femi's well-delivered presentation, I couldn't deny that he had presented a strong case. However, confidence surged within me as I recognized areas where I could offer even more substantial insights. He left some loose threads, and I intended to weave them seamlessly into my presentation, confident in the preparation I had undertaken.

Femi's presentation was met with applause, and our boss acknowledged his effort. "Good work, Mr. Femi," our boss commended.

"Thank you very much, sir," Femi replied, bowing in appreciation.

The boss turned to me, breaking my thoughts. "Are you ready, Miss A'isha?" I nodded, rising from my seat, ready to step into the spotlight.

I set up my slides and began, remembering to put a smile on my face, as that always helped to deliver the message in a better way. I addressed the loose ends Femi left and wove a narrative that showcased the thoroughness of my preparation. The board listened attentively, and I made sure to maintain eye contact, emphasizing the strength of my proposal.

I strategically addressed the client's needs for remote work and employee satisfaction. I highlighted the advantages of a tailored approach, emphasizing key points like flexible work hours, improved communication channels, and employee engagement strategies.

When it came to the client being based in Abuja, I seized the opportunity. "One of the advantages of entrusting me with this file is our shared location. With the client based in Abuja, just like me, we have the opportunity for more personalized interactions. In-person meetings, site visits, and keeping a finger on the pulse of the changes become not only easier but also cost-effective. It's like having a local expert on the ground, bridging the gap between Lagos and Abuja. I mean, who said you can't be a remote worker for Boston Consulting Group from the capital city of Nigeria? Talk about breaking boundaries and setting new trends!" I wrapped up with a lighthearted grin, injecting a bit of humor into the presentation.

This not only addressed the client's needs but also played to my strengths, showcasing how I could seamlessly integrate into their operations while bringing a touch of wit to the serious business of consulting.

When I concluded there was applause and my boss nodded in approval, acknowledging the depth of my presentation. As the meeting progressed, questions were thrown my way, but I responded with precision, holding my ground. Femi looked slightly uneasy, realizing that I had filled the gaps he left. I could sense a shift in the atmosphere as the board began to see the completeness and viability of my proposal.

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