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It was hard to tell which incident irked Ron more; The fact that Malfoy had performed the spell perfectly in class, or that Little-Miss-Perfect had.

" Malfoy was sitting next to you, right Sam?" Ron asked. Sam shrugged.

" Yeah. That's how he mastered the spell. He was copying me." She just didn't mention the fact that she told him to copy her. " And Little-Miss-Perfect did it the same time I did, right?" She asked. Ron scoffed.

" It's LeviOsa, not LevioSA." Said Ron, mimicking Hermione's voice jeeringly. " It's no wonder no one can stand her, she's a nightmare, honestly." He insisted, the three of them pushing their way through the crowded corridor. Someone knocked in between Harry and Sam as they hurried past them. It was Hermione, and both cousins could not help but notice that she was in tears.

" I think she heard you." Harry mumbled uncomfortably.

" So?" Ron said, shifting somewhat nervously. " She must've noticed she's got no friends." Hermione was not seen for the rest of the day. She remained a no-show for the rest of their classes, and the trio later overheard Parvati Patil gossiping to her friend Lavander that Hermione was in the girl's bathroom crying, and wanted to be left alone. Sam found herself silently sympathizing with the know-it-all Gryffindor girl, knowing what It was like to have mean words thrown your way. She briefly thought of inviting Hermione to Sir Nicholas's Death Day party, but she didn't know how the other girl felt about dead things, so she decided to simply leave her be.

At quarter to seven, Sam put away her finished Herbology essay and walked out of the girl's dorm and then down to the common room, where Harry and Ron were sitting by the fireplace playing wizard's chess.

" I'm gonna go to the library and check out some new books. I'll try to be down for the feast if I can, okay?"

What do you mean you'll try?" Ron asked, seemingly scandalized at the prospect of anyone missing out on food. Harry tilted his head curiously at her. Sam shrugged nonchalantly.

" I heard the library got a few new fantasy books in, and I wanted to check them out if I could. Plus, I wanted to see if there were any scary books available to read. For the holiday, y'know? I need something fun! If I gotta read one more textbook, I'm gonna go cross-eyed." She said. The boys laughed lightly at her, and Ron nodded enthusiastically.

" Too right! Hey-if you find anything fun, save it so I can take a look next!" He said.

" Me, too." Harry added. Sam nodded to both boys, her alibi secure, and gave them a solid salute and made her way out of the common room. ( Even though she had already carried out her master plan yesterday. She found two books on demonology and a book on notable haunting grounds throughout wizarding Britain.) She met up with Sir Nicholas by the Potions classroom, just as agreed. He smiled brightly as she jogged into view and the Gryffindor ghost waved cheerily at her.

" Samara, Hello! So glad you could make it!"

" I wouldn't miss it! Thanks for inviting me." She said. The ghost extended his arm to her politely.

" Shall we?" Sam wrapped her hand around the crook of his elbow, his arm firm in her hold and together they walked ( Or in his case, floated) through the twisting corridors of the lower castle until they reached the room where the party was being held. Sam's eyes widened in wonder and her jaw openly dropped as she took in the sights around her.

The dungeon was decorated to accommodate the theme of Halloween, with cobwebbed chandeliers decorated with black candles lit in blue flames floating lazily above the large ghostly crowd-a couple hundred at least, their pearlescent glow adding to the ambiance of the decorated room. There was a definite chill in the air, yet Sam found she didn't mind it so much. A long table fitted with a black velvet tablecloth was heavily plated with food-all of which, she was quick to notice, was completely rotten. The smell was thankfully only contained to the table, and Sam made a mental note to stay as far away from it as possible. Black balloons floated randomly through the air on what seemed to be sparkling, transparent strings, and finally, a large banner covered the far wall. Written in perfect red cursive was the message 'Happy Death Day, Sir Nicholas!'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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