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As it turned out, Harry had NOT been expelled.

Something that Draco was not pleased with at all.

And not only was he NOT expelled, but thanks to Draco's little stunt, Harry was made the Seeker for the Gryffindor house team. Seriously, how could one little git get so stupidly lucky?! Draco seethed where he sat at the dinner table, chewing his steak angrily as whispers of HARRY SODDING POTTER MAKING THE HOUSE TEAM AS A FIRST YEAR grated against his ears like sandpaper. Envy coiled around his heart like poisonous vines at the shock and admiration that was spoken with the Scarred git's name. So far, it seemed to him that Potter was taking all of the praise and glory that was meant to be his this year. Although he was undeniably better scholastically, Potter was succeeding socially. And in elite social circles, there was indeed such a thing as social suicide. Failing to make friends with the famous boy was a blow, but not a fatal one. And seeing the company he kept, Draco wondered if he had actually dodged a metaphorical killing curse in doing so. And Draco was making progress in making friends with some of the other purebloods in his house, and his class reports were all good, so in a way he was succeeding...

But Potter was getting a little too popular...

He needed to be brought down a peg. Or ten. Perhaps if the Gryffindor golden boy were to get into a nasty bit of trouble, his housemates wouldn't be so quick to fawn all over him. A nasty plan began formulating in his mind and Draco stood up, gesturing for Crabbe and Goyle to do the same. His eyes cut to Potter and the other two boys smiled in delight. They were always up for mischief when he was. The three of them strode up to the Gryffindor table and Draco's silver eyes cut to Potter's bright green irises. The Weasel sat next to him on one side, his blue eyes narrowed behind his messy red mop. And on Potter's other side sat Mason, her pretty violet eyes looking at him with guarded curiosity. Gone was the warmth and friendliness he had seen before. His stomach clenched at the look she was giving him, and he outwardly sneered at Potter.

" Having a last meal, Potter? When are you getting the train back to the Muggles?" Of course Draco knew he wasn't, but he need to goad Potter for his plan to work.

" You're alot braver now that you're back on the ground and you've got your little friends with you." Potter said, his tone casual and cocky in a way Draco did not care for. Crabbe and Goyle cracked their knuckles threateningly behind him, but even they knew not to do anything with the teachers sitting right there at the high table.

" I'll take you on anytime on my own." He declared. " Tonight, if you want. Wizard's duel. Wands only-no contact. What's the matter? Never heard of a wizard's duel before, I suppose?"

" Of course he has." The Weasel said, jumping to Potter's defense. It was an obvious lie, but hey, if he wanted to fall from grace, too. " I'm his second. Who's yours?" He asked challengingly. Draco looked over to his associates, sizing them up.

" Crabbe. Midnight all right? We'll meet you in the trophy room; that's always unlocked." With the terms all agreed upon, Draco sauntered back to his table with a confident swagger. Crabbe and Goyle sat next to him, Crabbe grinning in excitement.

" So, does this mean we really get to take Down Potter and his sidekick tonight?" He asked excitedly. Draco sipped at his pumpkin juice lightly before answering.

" In a way. Not all battles are fought with brute force, gentlemen." He informed them lightly. Goyle frowned in confusion.

" So, then, there WON'T be a duel?" He asked, his whole body sagging in disappointment. Draco smirked.

" Call it a duel of wits, Goyle. Potter will be handled, and the best part is, we won't have to lift even a finger to do it."

" How?" Asked Crabbe.

Snow White And The Dragon Prince ( Draco Malfoy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now