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Sam was positive the designers of the Winchester House got their inspiration from Hogwarts.

There were doors that led to nowhere, doors that were only pretending to be doors, but were actually brick walls, doors that only opened on certain days of the week, staircases that changed direction, stairs with vanishing steps you had to remember to jump and doors that would only open if you either asked politely or tickled them just right. It would have been easier if there were markers to help guide the way, but the suits of armor guarding the halls walked constantly away from their posts just because they could and the people in the portraits loved to socialize with one another, which meant no two portraits looked alike. The ghosts were a huge help to her-especially Sir Nicholas, who was always happy to give her a helping hand.

But the bane of her existence-and every students it seemed, was Mr. Filch.

He was constantly looking for any student doing anything wrong, as if it was a sport ( Or a very deranged variant of hide-and-seek) and not far behind him was his cat, a mangy, matted thing with glowing yellow eyes named Mrs. Norris. Harry and Ron unfortunately made the mistake of trying to get through the forbidden door on the third floor their first day of school. Mr. Filch wouldn't believe them when they said they were lost, and thereby declared them both Britain's most wanted. From then on, the cat was constantly following them, with Filch popping out of every hidden passage in the school just to watch them. He seemed to know every nook and cranny in the entire castle better than anyone. ( Except for the Weasley twins.) By Thursday, Sam was concocting elaborate plans to kidnap the cat and feed her to the giant squid that lived in the black lake.

The classes themselves were interesting, however, and unlike anything she had ever experienced in the states. The classes were split up in days, not hours. Monday was devoted to Two hours of Herbology, then an hour of History of Magic, which was taught by a ghost named Professor Binns. Then they had lunch, then two-hour Study Hall, then the rest of the period was free until dinner. Tuesday was the same as Monday, only instead of Study Hall following lunch was two hours of Charms. Wednesday followed Monday again, then after lunch was another Study Hall, then in the evenings at midnight they had to study the night skies for Astronomy for an hour. Thursday they were given two hours of Transfiguration after breakfast, then History of Magic, then lunch, then two hours of Charms class. During their first Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall, where they were assigned to turn matches into needles, and only Little-Miss-Perfect had managed the task. Sam, to her everlasting confusion, had somehow turned her match into a fork fit for a Barbie doll.

When Professor Flitwick, a tiny little man who acted as their Charms Professor, had called Harry's name during his first class rollcall, he gave a surprise squeak and toppled off his stand made of books. By Friday, Harry, Ron and Sam could safely say they were exhausted and looking forward to their weekend off. And, to their delight, they all managed to find their way to the Great Hall all by themselves without any help. Sam and Harry sat together, with Ron sitting across from Harry and the three of them helped themselves to breakfast.

" So, what have we got today?" Harry asked, pouring sugar on his porridge.

" Double potions with the Slytherins." Ron answered. " Snape's head of Slytherin House. They say he always favors them-We'll be able to see if it's true."

" Wish McGonagall favored us." Said Harry. Professor McGonagall was the Head of Gryffindor House, yet she was still strict in her speech and even stricter in the way she doled out homework. Sam chewed her scrambled eggs slowly as she looked fugitively at the Slytherin table. Draco was laughing loudly at something Crabbe had said, and she looked back down at her plate. She had only seen him outside of Herbology on Tuesday and exiting Charms on Thursday. She had caught him staring at her a couple of times in the Great Hall, and she'd tried to engage with him, but each time she did, his stare seemed to get blanker and blanker. She had tried waving to him once, and he had not responded in the slightest. It was as if he didn't recognize her at all. First he had acted friendly with her-flirty even given that wink at the sorting, ( Or was he just being friendly?) and now he was acting like he didn't know her?

Snow White And The Dragon Prince ( Draco Malfoy X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें