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AN: Hello! Welcome to my first story on Wattpad! This is a story that's been brewing in my head for months so I finally decided to start posting here! A note to the readers: This WILL be a very dark story going forward, and things WILL get mature. I will try to put in trigger warnings when they happen, but, as they say, read at your own risk!

And have fun :)


Draco stared back at his reflection in the mirror, breathing deeply. His Hogwarts uniform was perfectly pressed, without a single wrinkle or speck of dust to be seen. His school things were all in order and his new wand was ready and waiting for his use. He had taken to reading all of his school books already, practicing spells and potions with his mother to help prepare him for school. He honestly was excited to go, since it meant he would be away from the house. He would miss his room and the privacy it afforded him, and he would miss Mother as well. Father... Was expecting him to succeed. As the sole heir to the Malfoy family, it was his duty to perform well in school. Not for the first time Draco wished he had a sibling-someone to help shoulder the load of the responsibility being a Malfoy came with, and to be honest, to have someone else who understood him. An ally.

But it was not to be.

His mother had gone through several miscarriages and one stillbirth before him. The healers had worried that she might not make it through the night. At the thought of his mother never being there...Draco swallowed back the lump in his throat at the thought. But no, she had survived and Draco Lucius Malfoy was born. After which, due to the trauma her body had went through for him and his deceased siblings, the healers proclaimed that Draco was to be her one and only child. Perhaps it was as much a blessing as it was a curse, for his parents showered him with the best of the best as their only child. He got the most expensive furnishings and trappings for his room, the most up-to-date in boy's fashion with his robes and clothes, the finest toys growing up and even his own personal library with enough first editions to make even the ministry archives envious.

Was he spoiled? Without a doubt. Did he deserve it? Well, as a Malfoy, of course. Every Malfoy heir in the family had always been given the best of everything. Why would he be the exception? ' You know why.' A voice sneered in his head. No, he couldn't think like that. He was a Malfoy and all Malfoys both strived for and expected the best. And this year at Hogwarts, his first year, he had to be the best. He HAD to. He knew the story of his life already, even though he was only eleven years old. It was one that had been hammered in to his head since he could remember. He would go to Hogwarts and be sorted into Slytherin house, just like the rest of his family. He would be the top of his class for the entirety of his school career. He might even become a seeker for the house team, maybe even Quidditch captain, then a prefect, and eventually head boy. ( Possibly.) Along the way he would make connections with only the best pureblood families and eventually marry a beautiful pureblood princess and then produce a new Malfoy heir for a new generation. He would take over the family business of managing the stocks and bonds that came with the money and one day take over his father's seat on the board of directors at Hogwarts. Perhaps even find a job or connections through the ministry as his father had done.

Yes, he knew how his story was meant to go.

And he found it dull.

Was this really all he had? Surely not. Draco could feel it in his bones-he was meant for so much more than this. But what? He knew he ought to be more grateful; He had everything a boy his age could ever want, his family had billions of galleons to their name, which meant he would never want for anything, and as a member of the sacred twenty-eight, the world was his for the taking. But only if he followed the path set before him. It was what was expected of him, what his mother would want. What his father demanded of him. And the last thing he would ever want in this world was to disappoint his father. So yes, he would strive for the best. Yes, he would work hard and yes, he would do everything to make his father proud. But, going to Hogwarts was also about helping him to find his place and his joys in life, as his mother had said. To make friends, play Quidditch-which he loved to do, and perhaps even find her.

The one thing he had been curious about was meeting the one meant for him. He had met a seeress last year at a tea shop in Diagon Alley, while out with his mother. She had offered to show Draco a piece of his future ( With his mother's consent) and he was given the choice of knowing about his career, life, death ( A strict ' No' from his mother on that one) or love. Being a boy, Draco of course went with the love option. He wanted to know what his future bride-to-be would be like, and if he would have any worthy heirs to his name with her. In the end the seeress had only told him that he would indeed meet her at Hogwarts. " The one destined for you will test you in all ways, young master Malfoy. She is strong, brave...beautiful. She Will be your princess." Draco perked up in happiness at that. ' Good to know my girl won't be some ugly slag.' He thought. But test him? How? Would it be like the old fairy tales where they would have to go though some trial or grand adventure together? Was that the test? Or maybe he would have to win the hand of his princess in a duel like the knights of old. That sounded exciting enough. Whatever it was, that was reason enough for Draco to look forward to his time at Hogwarts.

' Trial, huh? Fine!' He thought. ' Bring it on! I am a Malfoy, and I will only strive for the best, trial or no trial! I will win and be the best.' He thought determinedly.

Because the best was all he was allowed to be.

And besides, he knew he had competition to look out for in the coming school year; It was rumored that the Harry Potter might very well be in his year. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the one who defeated the darkest wizard known to the whole of the world when he was only an infant.

Or so they say.

The one destined to take down He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named should he rise to power again, the one to bring about the greatest golden age since the fall of Grindelwald.

Or so they say.

That was the last task given to Draco this year; Determine Harry Potter's worth. If he was worthy, he was to try and befriend Potter and bring him in to the circles of the elite with him. And, being associated with a famous fellow wizard like Potter could only escalate his family's standing. However, if he was unworthy, he was to inform his father. Nothing more was said on that. He didn't understand why he had to inform his father if Potter was a failure or not, but then, he supposed the less involved he was with his father's dealings, the least likely he was to get in his way. Perhaps that was better. A gentle knock at his door brought Draco out of his thoughts and back to the present.

" Draco, Darling! It's nearly time to go, are you all ready?" His mother's gentle voice called to him.

" Yes, Mother!" He called back, smoothing his robes one last time before the mirror. The reflection looking back at him showed a boy with immaculately groomed, slicked back pale blonde hair, strong silver eyes and a confidently charming smile that always had his mother's tea friends doting on how handsome he was. He looked perfect.


Because perfect was all he was allowed to be.

Snow White And The Dragon Prince ( Draco Malfoy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now