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They say all stories hold an origin of fact in some way, shape or form. Each iteration of any fairytale or aspect of local folklore has some truth to the material. So, really, it should not have come as a surprise to Sam that the image of a witch flying on a broom by the full moon on Halloween came from something real. She always though the image somewhat tired after seeing it plastered everywhere on Halloween, cliche even. But nope, witches and wizards flying on brooms was a real thing, and the first years were due to have their introductory lesson to flying with Madam Hooch this upcoming Thursday.

Go figure.

Ever since flying lessons were announced, it seemed like flying was all anyone could talk about. Ron told anyone who would listen about the time he nearly hit a hang glider while flying on his brother Charlie's broom and Seamus Finnigan talked about long, scenic flights he would take with his family in the countryside. But the most amusing stories Sam heard were from Malfoy, who would spin the most excessive tales about him flying in the muggle world with life-or-death stakes only worthy of a hero in a blockbuster film. In fact, he was doing it right now. Harry, Sam and Ron had decided to spend their free afternoon together in the courtyard. Sam was working with the boys as they all leisurely worked on their Transfiguration essays, and not too far away, Draco Malfoy was holding court with a bunch of Slytherin students and regaling them with another tale of his flying heroics.

"...and they were flying so fast, I thought for sure I was a gonner! So, I pushed my broom as hard as I could! I had to dive at the last minute to dodge the spinning blades of the helicopter!" Pansy Parkinson gasped dramatically as Crabbe and Goyle jaw-dropped comically. Theo Nott snickered beside Draco as the blonde smirked smugly around them all.

" What happened then?! How did you get away?!" Pansy breathed. Ron rolled his eyes and Harry made a disgusted sound at the dreamy way she said his name.

" She's got to know he's taking the piss." Ron stage whispered to them. " There's no way any of this is true." The red headed boy insisted. Harry and Sam nodded, both inclined to agree with him.

" A spot of luck, if you can believe it." Draco drawled. " The helicopter dove down after me, and I was so scared I could only shut my eyes and trust my broom." He said dramatically. " I pulled up from the ground at the last second and saved myself from crashing to the ground. The muggle helicopter wasn't so lucky." Two Slytherin girls nearby gasped loudly then sighed wistfully at him as Harry rolled his eyes.

" Oh, God...!" He moaned. Sam giggled next to him.

" It's kinda funny that they're taking him so seriously right now, though." Sam offered. Both boys shot her confused looks. She jerked her head at the girls sitting near Draco. " I mean, look at them." The boys complied, and Harry snorted as a pretty brunette girl flipped her hair. Pansy was looking at Draco like he was her own knight in shining armor. Ron looked nothing but jealous at the attention he was receiving.

" The helicopter crashed to the ground and exploded in fire! I nearly singed the back of my cloak flying to get away. But, in the end I was lucky and I have managed to avoid those things ever since." He finished proudly. One of the girls leaned forward.

" Did it really explode, Malfoy?!" She asked eagerly. Draco smirked at her.

" You can't even imagine." He stated, crossing his arms arrogantly as his court gasped and clapped for his story. Sam snickered from where she sat.

" You go, Die Hard." Sam said, her tone low and sarcastic. Harry threw back his head and barked out a laugh that carried over the courtyard as Ron looked back and fourth between them and blinked in that way that told Sam he once again, didn't get the muggle reference. " Die Hard is a story about a muggle detective who has to fight some bad guys to save his friends and family from impossible situations. The stories are always packed with crazy action and there is always-always a dramatic explosion somewhere." Sam finished. Ron's mouth formed an ' Oh' of understanding, then comfortably laughed beside Harry, now in on the joke. Sam's eyes cut to Draco's, and he was now glaring back at them all. And he wasn't alone. Several of the Slytherins were throwing them dirty looks.

Snow White And The Dragon Prince ( Draco Malfoy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now