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It would be nine days before she would get a reply letter from her aunt, and the contents held more than what she would have ever expected.

' Dear Sam,

It is so good to hear from both you and Harry! It sounds like both of you are having fun at your new school, and your uncle and I want you to know how proud we are of both of you. We're tag-teaming your letters since we got them at the same time, so your uncle's writing to Harry while I write to you, and we both read what you two had to say. Hedwig's resting on the couch now watching Dark Shadows if you can believe it. ( Insert laugh here.)

So, Gryffindor, huh? Congratulations to you both. Then again, I should have guessed you would be in a house that emulates bravery, what with your gifts being what they are. I know your parents ( And Harry's) would be so proud of you two. It's nice to know that you've made some friends there, too. Mrs. Weasley was such a nice lady, and I'm glad you and her kids are all getting along.

And as for Hermione, try cutting her a little slack. Some kids are just born over-achievers. If you can't find a way to get along with her, then just ignore her.

Yes, we know you have a severe allergy to heights. How was your first flying lesson? Did you survive okay? If not, what did you leave us in your will?

Boy advice at your age? Honey, please. I had my first kiss at your age! No, you're not too young!

So, Draco, huh? Interesting name for a boy. In my experience, when a boy acts like a brat to a girl, that's usually code for " I like you." When I was about your age, there was a boy in my grade named Johnny Couller. He used to throw paint at me in art class, every ball available at me in dodge ball, try to trip me in the halls-you name it. I thought he was such a jerk, and I couldn't stand him! Then, during the week of the Valentine's day dance, he announces that he's taking ME. I thought it was just another prank, so naturally I ignored him, and when another boy I actually liked ( Billy Riley) asked me to go, I said yes. I wore a pink dress and my mom did up my hair and I had a fun time with Billy and my friends. I didn't see Johnny anywhere all night. Then, at the end of the night while I was waiting in the parking lot for my mom to pick me up, Johnny caught me alone, grabbed me and planted a kiss right on my lips.

As it turned out, he only acted the way he did around me because according to his friends, it was " uncool" to like a girl, so he acted like he didn't. After the dance, we " dated" for the rest of the year. We held hands, ate lunches together, he stopped being mean to me, and he kissed me a few more times on the lips, and he even took me on a few chaperoned dates to our local diner. He moved away the following year and we lost contact so, that was that, but you never forget your first. So, don't take everything this Draco boy does or says at face-value.

Write back soon, Sweetheart. We love you.

Aunt Tessa.'

Sam sighed as she folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope, then shoving her stuff aside, she hid it away from prying eyes at the bottom of her trunk. So, Draco Malfoy was supposed to be her Johnny Couller, huh? While her aunt's story brought a smile to her face, she couldn't help but replay her last talk with Draco over and over again in her mind. ' I am a Malfoy.' He had said it like his name was the answer to everything. She still didn't understand. But then, maybe it was a wizard thing. Maybe she wasn't meant to. She didn't feel like answering the letter now-she didn't have much to report aside from NOT dying from the flying lesson, and what Draco had said to her. Halloween was coming up in a few weeks, so maybe she would write to them after that. Plus, Harry would soon be practicing his Quidditch for the game coming up, so, that was something else. Right! He's the youngest seeker in a century!

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