« Right . My apologies then . Welcome with us again . » I say as I start busying myself with some papers in my desk , ignoring her presence , or at least trying to . She stands there for a while before stomping off the class , leaving me following her with my eyes until she was out of sight


« Caramel donuts and cream latte for my favorite workmate . » Ellie says in a very happy tone as she catches up to me at the end of the school day .

First day of school is always cheerful for me , for most teachers they all dread coming back to school but I look forwards for it . Having the chance to educate some trivial values to young people expected to be a generation to count on in the future , I would love to be a part of getting them to know some morals and principles about our world .

I look at Ellie who follows me to my car in the parking lot underground , reserved for teachers only , separated from the students to avoid conflicts from both sides .

This high school is private , and only rich people can afford putting their children here . Which is why this school gathers mostly spoiled kids who actually don't need to study for anything else but to show off their degrees and put hang their diplomas on their mansions walls to brag about it while they spend their families' abundant money .

Ellie is too one of those people , the only difference is that she has been dreaming of becoming a teacher and didn't bother with the refusal of her family to pursue her ambition , which makes me respect her a lot , that and the fact that she is the only workmate I get along with just fine . I smile taking the bag from her .

« You know how to make me happy , thank you . »

She brushed a strand of her golden brown hair behind her ear , smiling back at me with her amber eyes . Ellie is a funny and kind woman , ready to be beside whoever needs her assistance in any matter . Her big heart makes her a reliable source of encouragement , she had managed to be the hope of many students who were about to ruin their lives for many reasons than one . That makes her even more admired and respected here , it also makes her valuable to the school , with her reputation and goodwill.

« Glad to hear that . » She says and then starts fidgeting with her bracelet on her wrist , I frown looking at her confused , then looks at me with a little smile . « I am sorry about your mother again , Kane . »

I adjust my glasses looking at her then nod .

My mother died this summer after a long battle with illness . Now I am officially an orphan , although I am sure if uncle hears that he might hang me by my balls . In the absence of my father , who died when I was seven in a plane crash , my uncle was the only father figure I had growing up . He's also an amazing brother . Without him , I don't know what would have happened to me and mom after loosing dad .

Ellie pats my shoulder and walks towards her own car . I get in mine and start the engine then pull away from the parking . When I get out of it , and drive towards the main gates of the school , I glance Hannah, walking next to another girl , a bored expression on her face as if she's being dragged to her execution . I look at her from the window as I drive .

I am loosing control over my eyes every time she is near , they ignore everything else but her , as if the world revolves around her . I shake my head and continue driving .

What am I thinking ? This is my student ! Plus she is very young .

I've got to get it together .

I should be grateful our small meeting at the coffee went by unnoticed , otherwise I might be either fired or worse , in jail for it . My job is something I cherish , I worked hard for it and I can't let it slip away beneath me because of a stupid ... attraction ?

God damn it , I am attracted to my student !

Anyway , I can't let that ruin everything for me .

When I arrive in the driveway of my house , I notice another car is parked there .

That must be Darcy , my cousin . She's been checking on me every now and then after my mom passed . She opens the door just when I get out of the car and smiles at me , I smile back when she approaches and throws her arms around me . When we pull away from our embrace she throws a thumb behind her towards my house .

« I brought you some food and did your laundry for you . That place was a mess though , haven't you learned anything from me about keeping your house clean ? » She says in her scolding tone that makes me chuckle and put an arm around her shoulder pulling her to my side .

This woman , is my older sister not just my cousin , the one who thought I would be better as a girl and always put makeup on me and dressed me as one , no matter how many trouble she got in because of it. We grew up together and we have a strong bond , one I am grateful for however I wish not to be a burden for her . She has a husband to take care of and probably soon she will have her own family , I can't keep her from that .

« When are you going to see my beard and manly facial expressions and realise I'm a grown up who doesn't need you to take care of him anymore ? »

« Never , Cody . » She says teasingly .

I roll my eyes at the name she called me by to irritate me . Cody is actually a boy from middle school . The boy I accidentally had a crush on because I thought he was a girl . With his soft face and shoulder length golden hair , green cat eyes and a very questionable clothing style choice , it was not easy to separate him from a female . It didn't help that his name was Cody . Ever since then , Darcy started calling me by his name just to remind me of that .

She laughs at my expression . « Go have some treats and get some rest , I suppose you had a busy day . »

Oh yeah , and an interesting one as well . « Thank you . »

She hugs me again smiling before walking to her car . I call after her . « Tell Carl I said hi . Also , he still owes me a round of beer . » We had a bet over a hockey match and I won . That was a year ago and the fucker still hasn't paid his debts , I never stopped reminding him either . She shakes her head getting inside her car .

The house smells clean . Long gone is the mess I caused like a destructive tornado . My living room is well organized , the small pillows in place and the coffee table polished . My kitchen almost sparkles , the dishes clean and my freezer full of food my cousin took the time to make for me . I smile and go change my clothes and take a shower .

Later , I eat dinner from what Darcy brought me and settle on my desk with a cup of coffee , ready to write something about my day . I feel like I need to put my meeting with Hannah on paper , I have no intention of forgetting about it no matter how much I have to . Since she wants to deny it and carry on in this year like nothing happened – which is the wisest thing to do – I feel like I should keep it as a memory to look back at someday , when she will no longer be in my life .

I do in fact wish to forget about her eyes , her haunting , beautiful eyes .

They don't seem to leave my mind for a second . Neither does she . Her confidence and grace . It is all enchanting me and rendering me a servant under her spell .

I never was so worked up about someone like this , which is worrisome . But I will manage .

She is my student and younger than me . Way younger . Which is why I should stop these thoughts from clouding my head and focus on myself , my job and my family , before I make a stupid mistake and loose it all .

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