Chapter 10

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A forest fire raged toward Anikastagi, lighting up the night sky with its flames. The blaze cast eerie shadows over the buildings and sent thick smoke swirling into the air. The town was quiet, the residents sensing the danger as the fire closed in.

Meanwhile Meira  had discovered the existence of her twin sister, Hestia, who had been stolen away moments after their birth. Meira had grown up without any knowledge of Hestia's existence. Hestia, on the other hand, had spent her whole life believing their mother deemed Meira the stronger one. Hestia believed she had been cast aside as unwanted, left to fend for herself in a world of danger and despair.

Years of isolation and bitterness fueled Hestia's desire for revenge. She saw her return to Anikastagi as an opportunity to exact her wrath upon those she held responsible for her suffering. The encroaching fire mirrored her inner turmoil, a manifestation of the hatred and anger that consumed her.

Meira grappled with the sudden revelation of her sister's existence and the peril it brought. Hestia's fury was not just directed at her family but at Anikastagi as a whole.

Hestia's resemblance to Meira was uncanny, yet there was an undeniable allure in Hestia's presence that set her apart. Her eyes were strikingly beautiful, the most captivating pair Meira had ever seen. There was an air of grace and confidence about her, a reflection of her self-assured demeanor.

Hestia seemed to be in harmony with the fire that surrounded her, embodying its intensity and passion. Meira realized how absurd it was for Hestia to believe that their mother had deemed her weak. In fact, it was clear that Hestia possessed a strength and power all her own, mirroring the blaze she controlled.

People believed that only Meira could stop Hestia, but Meira herself was unsure how to confront her sister. She felt unprepared, as she was nothing like Hestia and lacked the knowledge of how to stand up to her hatred. The thought of facing Hestia's wrath left Meira feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

Suddenly, Hanish entered the room with Haris. "Are you okay?" Haris asked, concerned. Meira nodded, her thoughts still on the unfolding events. Hanish approached and sat beside her. "Don't worry, you can easily beat her," he assured her.

Meira looked at him, her voice heavy with emotion. "But she is my sister."

Hanish responded, "A sister who wants to burn the whole world to ashes."

The mention of her sister brought to Meira's mind the memories from her grandmother's diary. It spoke of Anikastagi burning too, of someone who aspired to be god. Meira realized there were more pieces missing from the story.

She turned to Hanish. "So will she be here alone, or will she bring her army?"

Hanish and Haris exchanged a glance, and Haris spoke, "Actually, there is one more person you should know about." He moved closer and sat down next to her. "Vasileious."

"Who is he?" Meira asked, a sense of foreboding creeping into her voice. Haris exchanged a solemn glance with Hanish before replying.

"Vasileious," Haris began, his tone serious and measured, "is the man who shaped your sister into the person she is today."


That night, Meira lay in her bed, unable to quiet her racing thoughts. Tomorrow she would meet her sister for the first time, a moment she had longed for yet also feared. Despite her exhaustion, sleep offered her no respite from the anxiety gnawing at her mind.

In her dream, Meira found herself suddenly jolted awake by the sensation of water sprinkling over her face. Her eyes shot open, and she was once again surrounded by darkness. Flames licked the edges of her vision, consuming the surrounding area in an otherworldly blaze. The air was thick with smoke and heat, and the glow of the flames painted everything in a sinister, reddish hue.

Meira stood up, her senses alert, and there suddenly she saw he stag walking slowly towards her. In the charred remains of the jungle, she found the stag standing amidst the burnt trees, its luminous blue aura glowing softly against the darkened landscape. As it stepped toward her, she felt an inexplicable connection, as though this creature had always been a part of her. "Oh, why did you hide that night?" she asked softly, reaching out to touch the stag's fur. "Was it because of that ghost?" A tear welled up in her eyes, though she couldn't explain why. 

It was as if she'd found the one thing she'd been searching for all her life. The stag's eyes, a deep sea blue, seemed to carry entire galaxies within them, a universe of mystery and wonder. The stag came forward and licked Meira's nose, causing her to burst into laughter. "Okay, now stop it, miss," she said, playfully pushing the stag's nose away.

She was enjoying the moment when the stag suddenly became alert, its ears twitching at some unseen disturbance. Before she could react, it turned and bolted into the forest, vanishing into the darkness. "Wait!" she called, reaching out to stop it, but the stag was already gone. 

She was looking in the direction of stag when, a dark shadow emerged, intensifying the already heavy darkness of the place. From within the shadow stepped a tall, imposing figure. Meira knew who he was this time.

"Don't you dare to come closer to me?" Meira said, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"Dont be scared," he said to her. His presence seemed to hold an enigmatic pull, and Meira listened with a mix of curiosity and caution as he spoke. He told her that she had been deceived by the people she trusted, that they intended to kill her sister because no one else could stop her. According to the man, they had abandoned Hestia and left her in a corner to fend for herself, all in a bid to control the world.

Meira's gaze remained steady, her expression resolute as she confronted the enigmatic figure before her. "Why should I believe you?" she questioned, her voice unwavering.

"Because your sister needs you more than ever," he replied, his tone filled with conviction. "She has searched for you her whole life."

Meira's anger flared at his words. "If she really wanted me, she wouldn't have sent those monsters after me," she snapped.

The man remained calm, his gaze steady as he asked, "And how do you know they were sent by her? Did they tell you that?" He took a step closer.

Meira hesitated, his question leaving her momentarily speechless. Doubts clouded her thoughts, casting uncertainty over everything she had believed.

The man sensed her hesitation and moved even closer, his presence both commanding and strangely comforting. Meira instinctively stepped back, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"You're trusting those who exiled your sister from her own kingdom," he said, his voice edged with reproach. "Those who wanted you to see her as the enemy."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Ask yourself, Meira, can these actions come from kindness? Would someone who loves you set you against your own family?"

The man's gaze softened, filled with understanding. "You have the power to change everything, Meira," he said gently. 

Meira's mind raced with conflicting emotions. She glanced up at him, searching for answers in his enigmatic eyes. "Why should I believe you? Didn't you hide things from me, too?"

"We all hide things, Meira," he replied, his voice steady. "Didn't you hide the fact that you see the stag every night?"

"And you didn't tell them, did you?" he continued, stepping a bit closer. "Because you know what they're planning. They want to kill it and claim its power."

"Don't all of you?" she snapped, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. His calm demeanor faltered as he hesitated, his mouth opening as if to speak, but no words came. Meira pressed on, her voice firm despite the lump in her throat. "None of you will get it."

His expression darkened, his eyes narrowing. "You can't save it forever," he said, a cold edge in his voice. "It can't hide forever."

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