Chapter 9

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Meira's astonishment deepened as she walked beside Haris, discovering that he knew more about her past than she had ever realized. As they journeyed, she learned that the miracles she had sought were not just the stuff of legend but were real individuals of the king's court, those he considered his chosen heirs. Each of these heirs possessed unparalleled powers, bestowed upon them by ancient forces.

Nadora was a sorceress of dark magic, weaving shadows with her hands; Gale, the healer, could mend wounds with a touch; Cordelia, the whisperer of beasts, could commune with animals as if they were her kin; Martha, the water shaper, could command rivers and rain; Hanish, the master of air, summoned storms and calmed the winds; and Adad, the wielder of tempests, could bring forth thunder and lightning at will. Though they each held incredible abilities, Meira remained unsure of Haris's own secrets.

On one particular day, Meira found herself in Nadora's house near the palace, a place where memories of her dark past lingered like specters haunting her every thought.

Inside, the atmosphere was heavy with arcane magic, and Meira navigated the space with caution, mindful of Nadora's strict instructions not to touch anything. She felt as though she was walking through a labyrinth of secrets.

After waiting in a secluded corner, Meira decided to explore the room cautiously. Although she was forbidden from touching anything, she scanned her surroundings with growing curiosity. Shelves were lined with small, colorful potion vials, ancient books were scattered across surfaces, and candles burned with otherworldly hues, filling the room with an eerie yet entrancing scent.

"I had no idea witchcraft required such intricate detail," Meira mused as she approached the kitchen, which was nothing more than a hearth where mysterious potions simmered. As she turned to leave, something caught her eye—a painting in an adjacent room, partially hidden by a curtain of delicate, shimmering shells.

She pulled back the curtain, revealing a breathtaking yet haunting scene on the canvas. Meira's breath hitched, her heart racing as she took in the painting's enigmatic imagery.

"I told you not to touch anything," Nadora's voice pierced the air as she entered the room, startling Meira. Tears of fear welled in Meira's eyes as she pointed toward the painting, surrounded by sigils and flickering candles.

"How is this possible?" Meira managed to ask, her voice trembling.

"You seek answers to why the people here despise you, and yet you hardly know them," Nadora said, placing her leather satchel on the table with a thud. "It is because of her." She gestured toward the painting, her expression grave.

"Her?" Meira asked, her voice laced with confusion. "Who is she?"

Before Nadora could answer, Hanish burst into the room, his face pale and his breath ragged. "We need to leave now," he said urgently, his usually calm demeanor shattered. "He has crossed the line!" His voice was tinged with panic.

Meira felt a jolt of fear and adrenaline course through her as she looked from Nadora to Hanish. The tension in the air was palpable, and she could tell the situation was grave.

Nadora nodded at Hanish, her earlier hesitance now replaced by stern determination. "Meira, there's no time to explain right now," she said, her voice steady but rushed. "We must go—trust us on this."

"What's happening?" Meira demanded, trying to grasp the urgency in Hanish's words.

"There's no time!" Hanish insisted, his breath still coming in short gasps. "We'll explain on the way."

As they rushed towards the river, Meira's heart raced as she saw the forest across the river engulfed in flames, the air heavy with smoke. Her thoughts were interrupted by Hanish's voice, which carried a tone of desperation.

"He has crossed all his limits!" he exclaimed, his frustration palpable.

But Nadora quickly corrected him. "It's her," she said, her voice grave.

Cordelia's expression hardened as she added, "That girl is a psychotic." Her bitterness matched the growing intensity of the situation.

"We need to stop her before the forest is entirely consumed," Hanish interjected, his voice filled with resolve. "And before she wreaks more havoc on our land."

Meira's patience reached its limit. "I don't care what you're all talking about—please, just stop the fire!" she shouted at them, her voice shaking with urgency.

The team exchanged tense glances, realizing that their internal conflicts needed to be set aside in order to confront the immediate threat. With a shared nod of agreement, they turned their focus towards the blazing forest, each determined to stop the fire and save their land from further destruction.

Meira's voice quivered with anguish as she watched the forest burn in the distance. "We need to stop that fire. That stag is there!" she cried out, her eyes filled with desperation.

At her words, the others turned to look at her in surprise. "Who is there?" Hanish demanded, his gaze intense.

Meira took a deep breath, her voice catching as she corrected his misunderstanding. "Not who, but what," she said, her voice trembling. "A stag! I saw it in forest!"

The team exchanged tense glances as they considered the unfolding danger. Nadora nodded firmly. Hanish prepared to use his wind powers to smother the flames, while Martha planned to call upon the river's waters to extinguish the fire. Cordelia focused on finding the stag and guiding it to safety.

Meira felt hopeful as the team worked together, each using their unique abilities to confront the fire and protect the forest. She watched with relief as the flames diminished, the team's efforts saving the stag and restoring balance to the woods.

When Meira urged them to take her to the forest, the group refused, standing firm. Nadora stepped forward, a solemn expression on her face.

"The stag is safe," Nadora reassured Meira. "But there's something more important you need to know."

Meira frowned, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Nadora locked eyes with Meira. "You wanted to know who the woman in the painting was, right?"

Meira nodded, a sense of apprehension building. Nadora took a breath, her tone grave. "It's your sister, Meira," she revealed.

Meira's eyes widened in shock. "My sister?" she repeated, struggling to process the revelation.

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